NRL Players and family members in hot water

He will never get back to where he was. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't want to hear from someone they disagree, and it makes them dislike the person. Kenty is one of the best NRL personalities, I'll take his podcast before listening to Tallis word vomit on 360.
Its a bit hard to listen to someone tell other people they need to be held accountable for their actions then when its them in trouble they try to blame mental health at the first sign of trouble to avoid scrutiny. Ill give Gordie one thing, he lives by his comments and is judged by his comments. Kent on the other hand is just your typical journo weasel.
Its a bit hard to listen to someone tell other people they need to be held accountable for their actions then when its them in trouble they try to blame mental health at the first sign of trouble to avoid scrutiny. Ill give Gordie one thing, he lives by his comments and is judged by his comments. Kent on the other hand is just your typical journo weasel.
Did Kenty himself say he had mental health issues or is that what Fox said? As for avoiding scrutiny I think he has been well scrutinised and punished for the outrageous crime of reacting to some flog **** and losing the worst pub scuffle on record.
Did Kenty himself say he had mental health issues or is that what Fox said? As for avoiding scrutiny I think he has been well scrutinised and punished for the outrageous crime of reacting to some flog **** and losing the worst pub scuffle on record.

Paul Kent wants his charge over alleged fight dismissed on mental health grounds. Here's what he had to say about footy stars who've done the same​

Rothfield is reporting that a UK journalist from The Guardian claims he was grabbed by the throat and verbally abused by Warriors assistant coach Richard Agar as the Warriors coaching staff walked through the press box at halftime to get the lifts down to the Allegiant Stadium dressing rooms.

the journalist hasn't been named (at their request), the incident has been reported to the NRL. Rothfield says that a witness has backed up the journalists story.

Rothfield says that they checked to see if the Guardian journalist wrote anything to upset Agar, in 2022 he wrote that Agar should be sacked as coach of Leeds in the UK Super League.
So journos being ***** and doing cunty things which come back to bite them bitching in the media that someone else dared to be a **** back.
Jogging on.