CROSS FORUM NRL Round 12 Discussion

Kicking off indigenous round who's your favourite all time indigenous player?

Steve Renouf for me.

The Pearl was such a beautifully balanced runner. With speed and a swerve and one of the best fends in the business, The prince of centres.
Renouf was probably the player that got me into footy and broncos as a young fella, but it's Hodgo for me now... he's probably in my top 3 favourite broncos.

Outside of broncos... GI is up there (except he always destroyed broncos from fullback), but I loved Matty Bowen, Presto, JT... so many Qld greats have been indigenous so it's hard not to love them for me
Kia ora broncbros and birdbros, pleasure to be back commiserating with each other over the various NRL conspiracies against our great clubs, especially the wahs.
At some point the conspiracies will leave us alone and finally focus on the purple cheats down south!!
Think Benji might have a crises of the soul and overnight realise his future is best spending his life in a very remote temple contemplating life, the univeverse and how fucking shit the Tigers are.

The new Metallica album "72 Seasons". Is it as the band officially claim about the first 18 years of a person's life or the number of seasons the Wests Tigers will go before they play finals football again? The cover's in yellow and black (so obviously not exactly Tigers colours, but far from 100% opposite), so maybe that's a hint.
god cows have some horrid defense this year. so wierd considering that was the cornerstone of there form last year.