CROSS FORUM NRL Round 18 Discussion


I think I’ll head down the pub tonight to watch the Old Coast play over a VB of two. Maybe the old Manly connection can take down the gummie fish.



Ponga is the X-factor QLD need. I think Walsh will be heaps bette for game 3 so both should play.
I like Bradman in there in some capacity. He is a counter to Lomax.

Whether it takes to get Chez 3 straight wins as captain.


Dion Johnson

Ponga is the X-factor QLD need. I think Walsh will be heaps bette for game 3 so both should play.
I like Bradman in there in some capacity. He is a counter to Lomax.

Whatever it takes to get Chez 3 straight wins as captain.

I would like Jake to hold the trophy this year and next 😂.

Bradman is a NSW player, 18TH for NSW, Gagai hopefully gets picked also for QLD.


I would like Jake to hold the trophy this year and next 😂.

Bradman is a NSW player, 18TH for NSW, Gagai hopefully gets picked also for QLD.
Thanks Dion for the correction - great point 😊

I have always cheered on QLD because they have always played as a team and are fun to watch. NSW have always been clunky, boring, and with players that display varied levels of commitment.

That said, I love the NSW team this year, and Madge is a good coach!.

I say let Jake have next year. I just want DCE to get his hat trick and 4/5 year streak and ride off into the sunset a legend. He is right up there with Cam/Slater/Cronk and I want him to be deservedly spoken of amongst those names.



Eagle 1 - Silvertails said:
Really looking forward to the Broncs v Panfers tonight. After last weekend's disappointment the Panfers will be at their robotic best again.

My heart wants the Broncs to be up for this, ladder wants them to eat it.


FormerlyJamesW - nzwarriors said:
My heart wants the Broncs to be up for this, ladder wants them to eat it.
Just a question for you mate, do you get to use the emojis thingos ( I can hear my daughter cringing from afar. She knows the proper names). And can you see them if someone posts them? Just asking, because I thought someone said you guys from the other clubs couldn’t see them. Someone ….@Dan help me out here!


wombatgc - Silvertails said:
Just a question for you mate, do you get to use the emojis thingos ( I can hear my daughter cringing from afar. She knows the proper names). And can you see them if someone posts them? Just asking, because I thought someone said you guys from the other clubs couldn’t see them. Someone ….@Dan help me out here!

Yeah, we get them in our own forum threads and this cross forum one.

I can see the laughing face that you posted in your previous post, if that helps?


wombatgc - Silvertails said:
Just a question for you mate, do you get to use the emojis thingos ( I can hear my daughter cringing from afar. She knows the proper names). And can you see them if someone posts them? Just asking, because I thought someone said you guys from the other clubs couldn’t see them. Someone ….@Dan help me out here!

Just adding to my previous post, I don't think you you guys get any edits that we make to the posts on our end, or if you 'like' a post. The rest works great as far as I know.

Mark from Brisbane

I think if the Riff beat the Donkeys tonight that they ( Donkeys ) are in real trouble , they’ve been very very ordinary for a while now.

Yes I know Origin affects them , but in years gone by the “ Baby Broncos “ ( their words ) have gone pretty well.

Even with their stars in they’ve been losing.

If they aren’t careful they’ll be like us, needing too many wins to get to a decent position for the finals.

Eagle 1

FormerlyJamesW - nzwarriors said:
My heart wants the Broncs to be up for this, ladder wants them to eat it.
Panfers will be just to clinical tonight. It'll be a black wall defense and they'll be to slick on the flancs in attack.

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