CROSS FORUM NRL Round 22 Discussion

Feels more like a put on troll attempt. May even be a disgruntled ex forum fan perhaps?

Tackled in the air and he landed beyond the horizontal... surprised he didn't get binned there
Is it a bit weird that Kasey Badger is the video ref and her husband is employed by Souths? Surely you can't have that.
Another season another storm, roosters or panthers premiership beckons. 3 very well run clubs who have certainly earned their success.
Is there any other sport in the world where you can fix a penalty offence with another penalty offence and play on?
Player runs behind his own player causing an obstruction but stops and does a voluntary tackle and voile, problem fixed, play on, 2 wrongs make it right.
It's retarded, how did we end up down this path.
Is there any other sport in the world where you can fix a penalty offence with another penalty offence and play on?
Player runs behind his own player causing an obstruction but stops and does a voluntary tackle and voile, problem fixed, play on, 2 wrongs make it right.
It's retarded, how did we end up down this path.
Voluntary tackles are legal now.

The NRL snuck the rule change by, I'll see if I can dig out the video.

Voluntary tackles are legal now.

The NRL snuck the rule change by, I'll see if I can dig out the video.


Ah good to know Pete.
So it's an interpretation not a rule change?
That example isn't what I was talking about though it prob applies.
There is still a voluntary tackle rule, it just has interpretations now in given situations.
So Player B goes "Oh, shit, if I let Player L tackle me we'll get done for obstruction/whatever, I'll just lie down and cry Uncle"...
It looks a bit weird, but I can't say I'm against it...
Penrith outside backs taking fullbacks high... where I have seen that before
Two panthers high shots where shoulder makes contact with the head... zero sin binnings
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