NRL TV Rights Deal

What's concerning. This should have been cleared with the clubs you would think.

16 Club CEOs
2 NRL CEOs (Well they pretend they are/were)

Not one of them thought 6pm was going to be a problem...

The price of a, um, price. Almost two billion dollars. Again, anyone surprised that the game is whored out and it gets fucked in the arse?
That 6pm time slot is stupid, it would attract a small crowd and bugger all ratings and coupled with daylight savings time I cant understand why they think that's a good idea. Having all the games live and a dedicated Rugby League network like the AFL does is good and is already an improvement on the last deal.
Nine conceding Saturday to Fox just infuriates the **** out of me. Foxtel wasn't going to be satisfied until the status quo was guaranteed and 60% of the NRL continued to be locked behind a pay wall. I fucking hate them.

NRL finally getting its due in terms of a dedicated channel and HD on Nine are small victories, but I can't help but feel like the game isn't growing as fast as it could be for no other reason than the usual one: corporate greed.
The price of a, um, price. Almost two billion dollars. Again, anyone surprised that the game is whored out and it gets fucked in the arse?

At least it's getting paid well for the whoring.

Btw, something something, Dave Smith's an idiot, rabble rabble.
I'm tipping that 6pm game will get the boot asap. The crowds and ratings will be atrocious.
Let's look on the brightside...

Money, money, money. Considering the size of the different packages, I'd say the NRL deal is as good if not better than the AFL's arrangement.

NRL 24/7. Now if that can be converted into an on-demand service, allowing me to pick any game to the 60s, heaven would truly be a place on earth.

All games LIVE. Yes, yes, yes...the 6pm Friday slot is a joke but is it worse than the 9:30pm delayed game on 9? I didn't think so.

Can't stand Hadley? Me either! Just watch the games on Fox and listen to the expert commentary from Andy Raymond, Brandy Alexander & Mark Gasnier. Um wait, what? SOS Vossy and Smithy.
I'd take Raymond, Brandy & Gaz over Hadley & Gilbert any day of the week personally, although neither is ideal.
Brandy, Gasnier and Anasta are a country mile better than Hadley and Gilbert. At least they don't ruin the game.
Brandy and Gasnier are fucking terrible. Plus they despise the Broncos and never say anything good about us.
While I appreciate that everyone's circumstances is different (I finish work at 12 on a Friday), I wouldn't mind the odd game at 6pm. I know that I would be a lot more likely to watch that on TV than a delayed showing at 9.30pm. Also having young kids that would love to go to more games, I would be more likely to take them to a Friday 6pm game than a Thursday 8pm.
So Thursday and Monday night games will have crap attendance because the working class games fans have surprise surprise jobs to go to the next day.

Shitfight of an administration
All games LIVE. Yes, yes, yes...the 6pm Friday slot is a joke but is it worse than the 9:30pm delayed game on 9? I didn't think so.

Fair call on most of your points but I can't agree with this one. Both Friday night games had an ~8pm kickoff which meant the fans could actually turn up, and if you could avoid looking at your phone (and in a few cases, avoiding the Nine news update broadcast out of Sydney revealing the winner of the delayed game) you could kick back and watch rugby league from 7:30 until midnightish. Now most fans will have difficulty making the first Friday game and the only people who can actually settle in for a night of NRL will be those privileged enough to have Foxtel.

We've gone from "Friday night's a great night for football" to "Friday evening, or the late afternoon in the warmer months, is a moderately okay time for football if you finish work nice and early and have access to cable television. But we don't expect anyone to actually turn up to the game live. P.S. Only Qld teams plus the Warriors will be saddled with this dog of a slot so the Friday free to air game will almost always be a Sydney game." and I don't think that's an improvement.
Now most fans will have difficulty making the first Friday game and the only people who can actually settle in for a night of NRL will be those privileged enough to have Foxtel.

I am the 1%. :biggrin:

Nah, I take your point. I just don't think it's as bad for some as it is for others. Especially fans on BHQ who are into the game moreso than others.

I still think it's a bad idea, and would rather an extra Sunday game but as a television watcher, it's better than delayed coverage which never drew in Queensland anyways.

Plus, I can't see the Broncos being scheduled for many 6pm games, especially at home so that's something.
It could be Titans and Warriors that get the timeslot.

Warriors, it will be 9PM over there so not really a concern for them.

Titans.. Won't have to worry about a drop in crowds, they can't get a fucking crowd anyway.

But it's also likely the Broncos will get it. Because their crowd averages are so high, they can afford to drop a bit. But then Channel 9 would lose their highest rating club team.

Cowboys.. Well, if the NRL make Cowboys play on that timeslot, that would be stupid. A lot of their fans have to make 8 hour trips just to get to a bloody game.

The only upside, is that it might encourage more families to go to a game.

But it still won't have the desired effect.. Because there will still be a drop in crowd numbers.
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As long as the Broncos don't get 6pm matches, I can live with it. I doubt they will though, I think it might be the white trash areas.
Wasn't sure where to put this but WIN Tv are going hi def on March 1. Good news for those of us who don't live in Bris Vegas.

THE Greatest Game of All is getting the greatest investment of all from Fox Sports.
When the NRL was thrashing out its $1.8 billion TV deal with Fox Sports and Nine, one of its main requests was a dedicated 24-hour rugby league channel.
Come Monday, that dream of an around-the-clock rugby league channel will become a reality when Fox League is launched on Foxtel.
The pay-TV network has poured millions of dollars into the initiative — more cash than its AFL counterpart Fox Footy — with Fox League to be shown on channel 502.
Some of the key features of Fox League include:
*MORE than 32 hours of live content each week, including all eight NRL matches.
*NINE magazine shows, including an additional four pre-match and post-match programs.
*SIX new faces, including the face of Fox League, Yvonne Sampson, commentator Brenton Speed, as well as recently retired premiership winners Mick Ennis and Corey Parker.
*A QUEENSLAND-ONLY program, which will be hosted by Robert “Crash’’ Craddock with exclusive content from north of the border.
*NEW state-of-the art studios and game-day graphics, including a virtual 10m line that will give viewers a clear idea if a team is off-side.
*AND The Late Show With Matty Johns, which will run directly against Channel Nine’s long-running The Footy Show on Thursday nights.

Fox Sports boss Patrick Delany said the NRL had made a point of wanting a 24/7 league channel when negotiations were ramping up more than 18 months ago.
“This was a significant thing when we did the deal,’’ Delany said.
“A dedicated channel allows you to do things you can’t do when you’re a straight sports channel, or an entertainment channel.
“(By having a dedicated channel), there are three shows I can think of that you couldn’t do on a general sports network or free-to-air network.
“This includes a show dedicated just for Queensland fans, a show with only a women’s panel, and these women are not talking about lipstick, but accomplished journalists with a different perspective on rugby league.
“And we have a show that honours one of our past heroes every week.’’
Due to the popularity of Matty Johns, his Monday Night show will remain a key part of the schedule for “families and kids’’, while for his new Thursday night program ‘’you might want to lock the kids away because it’s very much for adults’’, said Delany.
Delany stressed the recruitment of former Nine presenter Sampson — one of the most likeable presenters in the game — was crucial to the success of Fox League.
“Once you have a dedicated channel, you need a central person who can pull it all together, so we’re thrilled to have Yvonne do that,’’ he said.