NSW is gayer than 10 gay men and The Rock is their messiah!!


I'd like to see that treatment meted out to this:


Jester did the original, didn't he?
The Rock said:
Twiztid said:
Lets hope it is better then the crap you guys made last year.

And the year before. And the year before that. And the year before that. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

Hey, that's a common theme. I guess that's what happens when you support a loser team.
Well, I hope you got something special for when you lot win. After all you've already had four years to work on it already.
I can't photoshop to save my life.

4 in a row queensland theme OR photoshop Brett White's face onto gay porn??? I'm torn.
We'll just have to console our selves with 4 series wins in a row.
well if no-one comes up with anything, lets just have him have "QUEENSLAND WON 4 YEARS IN A ROW AND NSW SUCK". its short, sweet and requires no effort from me XD
We've gotten the job done ahead of you losers for 4 years now, I think we deserve a break. Plus it's not that important, we know you guys suck ass whether you have a particular sig or not :P
"you know what they say....you're only as good as your last 4 series wins."

Phil Gould: "My man of the match tonight is Wayne Bennett. Everything we're seeing here is because of what he's brought to this club and instilled in his players".
Jeba said:
Phil Gould: "My man of the match tonight is Wayne Bennett. Everything we're seeing here is because of what he's brought to this club and instilled in his players".

Gould has no idea, Bennett is senile, just ask QUEENSLANDER.