NSW is gayer than 10 gay men and The Rock is their messiah!!

The Rock said:
I didn't say you had to go through war etc so appreciate the place. I am just saying don't compare the 2 because obviously there is a bigger emotional attachment when you call yourself Australian after being negatively impacted in your original birth place.

Put it this way - If Folau moved up to QLD when he was 13 and never played a game of rugby league in his life, in fact his favourite hobby was playing computer games. So he moved up there, and then one day at school when he is 18 his mate asks him, "Hey man, are you a Queenslander or a New South Welshman?"

Do you honestly think that he would class himself as a Queenslander and say to his mate, "I'm a Queenslander" if there was no such thing as rugby league in his life, thus no chance of ever playing Origin for QLD?

IMO, it seems like playing for QLD and being around others at that age who DREAM of playing for QLD is the biggest influence on this kids future origin playing career rather than simply which state he enjoyed more.

Just a thought.


That's lame.
The Rock said:
ningnangnong said:

That's lame.

What a shit post.

Haha, settle gretel, i was just taking the piss. [icon_lol1.


BHQ is as quite as a mouse.
The Rock said:
It's a thing call common knowledge - Queenslanders (and turncoats ie. Schmix) obviously don't have any....

Just for the record, "turncoat" means that you switched sides. I have never changed my allegiance.
Not at all. Queensland is in my blood and my home. My house is like a little island of maroon in a sea of blue. If you look on Google maps we stand out like a sore thumb (a maroon one, on a blue hand).
The Rock said:
Neither! LOLZ.

All I'm saying is that I think it's lame that some players have been born AND raised (combination of both..) in NSW and have spent the majority of their life there, yet they crack under pressure of their fellow peers when moving up to QLD then declare themselves a Queenslander.

Does that mean if I spent 10 years in NSW, then move to QLD, up until I am 20 I'm a NSWelshman? Then after that point I am a Queenslander?

The Rock said:
mrslong - you're an idiot, I don't care about the eligibility rules that's not even the point.

Hammo - Leaving NSW at 13 and declaring himself a Queenslander at 18. (He's 20 now...but he declared himself a dirty redneck bogan at 18) Get it right.

I just find it lame that he can spend most of his life as New South Welshman, raised there, played his young days of footy there...then move to QLD at 13, spend 4-5 years there playing footy and thinking he's a tru
e hearted Queenslander.

I am going to spell this out for you super duper cleary:


Moved to Queensland, played his most important years of football in Queensland, for Queensland, therefore making him a Queenslander!

Ben Jones, another example. Moved to Roosters at 16, but had already represented Queensland at 15, making him a Queenslander.

You are saying you don't care about the rules but that is what you are arguing about! You are calling us redneck bogans but judging by your argumenting and analytical skills I wouldn't exactly class yourself as a Rhodes Scholar.

KrispyKris said:
Then why did you assume that just because Cambodia is a poor country that someone from there would want to class themselves as Australian? I don't see the logic in that.

Because his argument has no logic.
The Rock said:
schmix said:
Because you made a sweeping statement without any kind of facts to back it up. I could say "a lot of professional marble players prefer lamb over chicken" and swear that it's true, but should people just accept it as fact because I said so? Of course not.

Emma backed it up. She knows a guy who calls themselves Australian after coming from Scotland. I backed it up. My Dad lived in Lebanon for 20 years of his life but he calls himself Australian. I know of others that have the same thoughts. There's a lot with the same thought process. Ohhh but it must not be true because I don't have facts on a piece of paper to back it up? [icon_lol1. :roll:

It's a thing call common knowledge - Queenslanders (and turncoats ie. Schmix) obviously don't have any....

[icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

Yeah it's common knowledge, because you and one other person can show evidence that back up your argument. You have obviously done some post-graduate study? A PhD in lame at the University of Generalisation.

There's a lot of other people who don't have the same thought process. I know 'em, all of 'em, ever alive, forever and ever amen. Therefore you are wrong.
The Rock said:
What? I don't give a shit about the rules! If the rules were different which allowed players to pick whatever state they wanted the folau would still pick qld. That's the point here! Personally I think it sucks that he would do that, that's my opinion so deal with it bird brain.

Folau picked Queensland because he'd already played for Queensland and spent the most important years of his life in Queensland.

In fact, that is worded wrong. He never picked Queensland, he is a Queenslander.
He flashes a wry grin at the thought of opposing Hayne, his childhood mate, this Wednesday night.

"We were good mates growing up. I never thought we'd be playing against each other in Origin," he said.

"I grew up in NSW but I always supported the Maroons. The most exciting time for me as a kid was watching Queensland and Darren Lockyer. I had a think about playing for NSW, but I left there when I was 12 and I came to Queensland and played right through schoolboys with Queensland.

"Under the rules, I was a Queenslander anyway, so it was an easy choice."

Thats a direct quote from Folau. So just to clear that up, he was always a Queensland supporter, there was no peer pressure. I'm not sure you can say he turned his back on NSW if he never supported them to begin with, and even so, if you think he is a "turncoat" because he was born there, the fact is irrelevant.
Israel Folau would never be influenced by peer pressure. His religion means his has to abstain from drinking and can't have sex until marraige. I'm sure his teenage years were a walk in the park with all the vices he could have succumb to.
Plus he's the outside back equivalent of Price. Who would dare try to peer pressure him?
Jeba said:
Plus he's the outside back equivalent of Price. Who would dare try to peer pressure him?

This is true. He would stare them in the eyes and their heads would explode.
Je$ter said:
Israel Folau would never be influenced by peer pressure. His religion means his has to abstain from drinking and can't have sex until marraige. I'm sure his teenage years were a walk in the park with all the vices he could have succumb to.

The church told him to move back to the Broncos. Probably told him to play for Queensland too.
The Rock said:
Um Coxy dude, Someone leaving their home country because of bad experiences, war, poor quality of life etc then calling themselves Australian because they prefer Australia is WAAAAAAAYY different to someone leaving their home state (for whatever reason) and classing themselves as a Queenslander because they want to play a sport....

So I'm not even going to draw comparisons it's stupid.
The guy I know from Scotland who is now an Aussie had no bad experiences, there was no war, no poor quality of life....yet he moved here and now considers himself to be an Aussie. It's not because he prefers Australia over Scotland, it's just that this is where his life has lead him and he's made his home hear now and he thinks that if he's going to make a life for himself here, then he should consider himself Aussie. Seriously, that is NO DIFFERENT WHATSOEVER to what Israel Folau did. WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND that home is where the heart lies and if Folau has always supported QLD, moved there as a kid, spent his formative years there (and please, no more of this bullshit 'peer pressure made him pick QLD'), and considers himself to be a QLD'er, what's the friggin problem?!?! As I said earlier, if he was a shit player, I doubt this would even register a blip on the radar.

FFS, the guy says he's a QLD'er, he's given his reasons, he's eligible and playing for QLD tonight and I hope to god that he tears NSW a new one.
lol. Where's Rock gone.

The Rock said:
Shit insults? What, like NSW is gayer than 10 gay men? [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

This is just being honest too.
Seriously, the 'Folau picked QLD because of peer pressure' argument is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read on here (and that's saying something). What part of the direct quote from Folau where he said that he'd always followed QLD etc don't you understand? Or did he just make all of that up?
You know I was just sitting here thinking that Shaun gets a little nasty at origin time. But then I realised that I probably would too if the team I supported was on the verge of a record 4th series loss. icon_thumbs_u