NSW is gayer than 10 gay men and The Rock is their messiah!!

Speaking of Scotland, Rock is being very quiet about 1 James McManus born in Scotland, raised in the Northern Territory.......playing for the Blewssssers.....Pot and Kettle.


This image indicates where this thread is heading.
The Rock said:
Emma said:
[quote="The Rock":3vr5bae1]mrslong - you're an idiot, I don't care about the eligibility rules that's not even the point.

Hammo - Leaving NSW at 13 and declaring himself a Queenslander at 18. (He's 20 now...but he declared himself a dirty redneck bogan at 18) Get it right.

I just find it lame that he can spend most of his life as New South Welshman, raised there, played his young days of footy there...then move to QLD at 13, spend 4-5 years there playing footy and thinking he's a true hearted Queenslander.
Someone brought up becoming an Australian citizen earlier - I know someone who came to Australia a few years ago and is now an Australian citizen. Wouldn't dream of calling himself anything other than an Aussie. Isn't this the same concept? Seriously, why is it so lame for a kid to move interstate and as an adult decide that's where his heart lies? If it was someone shit, this wouldn't even be an issue.

Where was he from? Cambodia probably. No wonder he classes himself as an Australian.

I dunno whether to take this as a racist comment? eusa_think
The Rock said:
KrispyKris said:
[quote="The Rock":2a7q9i70]
Emma said:
[quote="The Rock":2a7q9i70]mrslong - you're an idiot, I don't care about the eligibility rules that's not even the point.

Hammo - Leaving NSW at 13 and declaring himself a Queenslander at 18. (He's 20 now...but he declared himself a dirty redneck bogan at 18) Get it right.

I just find it lame that he can spend most of his life as New South Welshman, raised there, played his young days of footy there...then move to QLD at 13, spend 4-5 years there playing footy and thinking he's a true hearted Queenslander.
Someone brought up becoming an Australian citizen earlier - I know someone who came to Australia a few years ago and is now an Australian citizen. Wouldn't dream of calling himself anything other than an Aussie. Isn't this the same concept? Seriously, why is it so lame for a kid to move interstate and as an adult decide that's where his heart lies? If it was someone shit, this wouldn't even be an issue.

Where was he from? Cambodia probably. No wonder he classes himself as an Australian.

I dunno whether to take this as a racist comment? eusa_think[/quote:2a7q9i70]

It'll be racist if you had the IQ of your average bogan Queenslander (ie. Mrslong).

I used Cambodia as an example because of the big difference in the standard of living between Cambodia and Australia. Nothing to do with the race. [eusa_eh[/quote:2a7q9i70]

Then why did you assume that just because Cambodia is a poor country that someone from there would want to class themselves as Australian? I don't see the logic in that.
KrispyKris said:
Then why did you assume that just because Cambodia is a poor country that someone from there would want to class themselves as Australian? I don't see the logic in that.

Yeah, it's lame.
Hammoz said:
KrispyKris said:
Then why did you assume that just because Cambodia is a poor country that someone from there would want to class themselves as Australian? I don't see the logic in that.

Yeah, it's lame.

Don't be lame Hammo.

You're being lame. Just like all the other lame bogan Queenslanders who are lame and rednecks. Yeah thats right, I'm continuing with one of the shittiest insults to ever come out of some southern twats mouth and calling you all bogan rednecks LOLZ isn't it lame?

Oh yeah, you should adapt too.
The Rock said:
Oh shit, I think I hear the PC police! Oh noez.

A lot of refugees and asylum seekers that come from countries such as Cambodia, Rwanda, Afhganistan etc tend to class themselves as Australian even though they've only lived here for a small portion of their lives because of the bad experiences, memories and poor quality of life that they had in their previous country.

Heck, even my Dad classes him self as Australian and not Lebanese because of how much Lebanon has impacted negatively on his life.

So Get over it - was just using it as an example.

Generalisation FTW!
We need stats, Rocky. You're the stats man here! :P

Because you made a sweeping statement without any kind of facts to back it up. I could say "a lot of professional marble players prefer lamb over chicken" and swear that it's true, but should people just accept it as fact because I said so? Of course not.
Yeah, everyone knows professional marble players prefer venison over chicken.
Statistics say that 99.5% of NSW residents harbour a secret desire to live in Queensland.

42.3% of those will mysteriously "vanish" at Tweed Heads. You don't hear about it because nobody cares.
Yeah but maybe I've missed something somewhere in these pages of drivel, but are you saying that your dad is Lebanese but because he now happily lives in Australia he's an Australian? And that's fine? Right?

But Israel Folau, who was born in NSW and then moved to and lives in QLD, happily, and now calls himself a Queenslander - that's somehow wrong?

And Maoris/Samoans born in Sydney and raised by their passionate, traditional maori/samoan parents, and as such think of themselves as Kiwis/Samoans etc...that's ok, right?

But schmix, who was born and raised in NSW with a passionate QLD and Broncos supporting dad, and as such regards herself as a Queenslander too - in spite of inevitable teasing and peer pressure while growing up - and that's wrong?

So, your conclusion is it's fine to pick and choose your nationality based on where you live and/or where your family roots are, but not for state allegiance?


Please, if I'm off the mark, correct me. At the moment I'm very confused.
And you are the last person on BHQ who should be criticising people for being a turncoat!!
Who said it's because he wants to play a sport for Queensland? He might just be incredibly more happy in Queensland, feel more like home?

Why do you have to have gone through war etc etc to appreciate where you are now better than your previous place?

Dude, seriously...you're mental.