Pacific Championship Week 4 Discussion



State of Origin Rep
Jun 30, 2020
Lol misread the score and though we smashed NZ as predicted. What the hell happened!?
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
You can so easily tell just about everyone in the Aussie camp could not have phoned this whole thing in any harder if they tried. It's like Mal had 17 club coaches leaving messages on his phone "If my blokes get injured playing this pointless garbage, it's your ass."


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Love to see it, really. It's hard to support a team that no one can really challenge at all, it's just not fun. Australia needs genuine competition to make International footy even come close to Origin. Maybe a few losses in a row could make the next win feel sweet.


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2017
I thought the Kiwis would win but I didn't think it would be that easy. The middles were just not up to it and then the already struggling backline could come up with nothing.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Probably one of the more relatable performances from the Australians, by the time I was ready to tune in the game was well and truly over.

New Zealand just got the Kangaroos right from the jump. The Leota/Fisher-Harris combo led the charge and with Tapine playing off the back of it, the Aussies just couldn't get into the game. It was one of those matches where I feel had Australia taken one of their early chances, it would have changed things but the attack was clunky and they made some pretty ordinary errors.

It certainly leaves the door ajar for a few players to come into the team for Australia. I'm not as critical about team selections, but last week's win most likely lulled them into a false sense of security and they just didn't get the balance right in the pack.

In hindsight, it would have been better to have Carrigan team with either Haas or Tino and have the other big bopper come off the bench when fatigue set in. I love Reuben, but I definitely would have preferred the threat of a Fifita there and the Kiwis were all too happy to mark up on Munster and Hamiso.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Serious question did anyone get annoyed that Australia lost?

Broncos lose = I'm pissed off
Australia lose = shrug and lol

I'm curious if there's any die-hard Kangaroos supporters that actually ride the emotions of the games.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Mar 4, 2008
I care for Broncos and QLD but not much for the Roos.

I think it comes down to the fact that over the years, the quality of the game played by Australia has declined. When Lockyer, Slater, Hodges and other players from that era played for Australia, it seemed like they were playing their best but it doesn't seem that way now.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Serious question did anyone get annoyed that Australia lost?

Broncos lose = I'm pissed off
Australia lose = shrug and lol

I'm curious if there's any die-hard Kangaroos supporters that actually ride the emotions of the games.
Yeah I haven’t cared about the Australia team in a while. Of course I would prefer them to win but I don’t really care. I think there are a lot of reasons for that but the fact that for a majority of the time it never feels like they take it seriously so why should we? I mean when you are picking Edwards on the wing when he isn’t a winger but ‘deserves’ to be in the team it just seems like a pisstake.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
Serious question did anyone get annoyed that Australia lost?

Broncos lose = I'm pissed off
Australia lose = shrug and lol

I'm curious if there's any die-hard Kangaroos supporters that actually ride the emotions of the games.

Zero ***** given tbh. If we lost a few on the run, I might start to care more. We're the biggest fish in a little pond, maybe if more of the world played the game at a higher level, I'd care more.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Zero ***** given tbh. If we lost a few on the run, I might start to care more. We're the biggest fish in a little pond, maybe if more of the world played the game at a higher level, I'd care more.
I want to like the Kangaroos, I really do but I just can't.

Mal just sucks the joy out of IRL for me. A few months ago he said Teddy will be picked no matter what, and at that point I instantly wanted to cheer who ever played Australia.

Why the **** are we promising duds a guaranteed position based on incumbency in what should be the most sought after role in RL. Walsh, Ponga, Edwards, all deserved to be at 1 ahead of Tedesco. Edwards on the wing? Really?? There's plenty of top tier wingers and we pick Edwards.

It's like he's not even trying to win.

Maybe if Mal gets sacked I might find a way to like the Kangaroos again. As long as it isn't Bellamy who takes over.


International Captain
May 27, 2013
I want to like the Kangaroos, I really do but I just can't.

Mal just sucks the joy out of IRL for me. A few months ago he said Teddy will be picked no matter what, and at that point I instantly wanted to cheer who ever played Australia.

Why the **** are we promising duds a guaranteed position based on incumbency in what should be the most sought after role in RL. Walsh, Ponga, Edwards, all deserved to be at 1 ahead of Tedesco. Edwards on the wing? Really?? There's plenty of top tier wingers and we pick Edwards.

It's like he's not even trying to win.

Maybe if Mal gets sacked I might find a way to like the Kangaroos again. As long as it isn't Bellamy who takes over.
Next minute Brad Fittler takes over.


International Rep
Mar 25, 2008
The nrl and media don’t care about international footy and it flows from that.

The last time I was mildly annoyed we lost was probably 2008 when slater threw that ridiculous pass to Benji to score and we lost the World Cup. Beyond that I’m a bit meh.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
I want to like the Kangaroos, I really do but I just can't.

Mal just sucks the joy out of IRL for me. A few months ago he said Teddy will be picked no matter what, and at that point I instantly wanted to cheer who ever played Australia.

Why the **** are we promising duds a guaranteed position based on incumbency in what should be the most sought after role in RL. Walsh, Ponga, Edwards, all deserved to be at 1 ahead of Tedesco. Edwards on the wing? Really?? There's plenty of top tier wingers and we pick Edwards.

It's like he's not even trying to win.

Maybe if Mal gets sacked I might find a way to like the Kangaroos again. As long as it isn't Bellamy who takes over.

That's just it, sadly it isn't.

I think a lot of the issue is the scheduling of Internationals. Unless it's a World Cup year, nobody really cares. This was just a token tournament invented as an excuse for NZ and Aus to play 2 games. I'd have cared far more if it was 3 game format between the 2 teams like England and Tonga just did. Have the Pacific Championship be played between PNG, Cook, Samoa and Fiji at the same time. The result of both tournaments wouldn't be guaranteed and I think Aus would take it far more seriously. I'd actually give a shit about both tournaments then.

Not to mention a lot of these players would have checked out after such a long season.

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