Parker and Slater MAY miss Origin 3 - who to move where?

Cronk did a dumb thing. Sure he probably saved a try but there was still doubt over whether or not Carney could have got it down cleanly. Small doubt, but still doubt. Instead he got 10 in the bin and cost them 8 points instead of 6. Yeah, real smart.

Worse than that, Cronk basically cost 12 points. The penalty goal, the Stewart converted try and then the Morris unconverted try both scored while he was off the field.
Disagree. As you said, carney more than likely wouldve scored. You do whatever you can to stop a try and if that means getting sin binned then so be it. Nsw got a bit lucky with one of their tries while he was off. Cant blame him for that

Yes you can. One less player in the defensive line meaning more room to move. Was a very poor miss from Thurston on Carney, but would he have been tackling him one-on-one if Cronk was still out there? Who knows.

The sin bin was a dumb play. I think Cronk has one more game to justify being in the Origin side as starting halfback. If QLD lose, I'd be looking at DCE for next year. He's been very poor this series so far.
Yes you can. One less player in the defensive line meaning more room to move. Was a very poor miss from Thurston on Carney, but would he have been tackling him one-on-one if Cronk was still out there? Who knows.

The sin bin was a dumb play. I think Cronk has one more game to justify being in the Origin side as starting halfback. If QLD lose, I'd be looking at DCE for next year. He's been very poor this series so far.

If cronk had just let carney through to score, everyone would be calling him lazy etc on here. he did the right thing. first priority is always stop the try.
****! I just thought Parker had a cut! you see this is what I mean about Origin. a game that doesn't help Broncos at all, yet it certainly hinders us, every year.
If cronk had just let carney through to score, everyone would be calling him lazy etc on here.

Rubbish. The only people carrying on stupid after last night's game are you and AP with your vendetta against Petero.

he did the right thing.

No, he did the wrong thing. He cost his team 12 points instead of possibly 6.

first priority is always stop the try.

Agreed. And Carney is such a mental midget that if he'd just done the legal thing and kept shoulder to shoulder, bumping him, diving for the ball, I have almost no doubt Carney would've f'd up.

Instead he tried blatant cheating. I know that's the Melbourne way, but he's playing for QLD. We don't swing that way.
Rubbish. The only people carrying on stupid after last night's game are you and AP with your vendetta against Petero.

No, he did the wrong thing. He cost his team 12 points instead of possibly 6.

Agreed. And Carney is such a mental midget that if he'd just done the legal thing and kept shoulder to shoulder, bumping him, diving for the ball, I have almost no doubt Carney would've f'd up.

Instead he tried blatant cheating. I know that's the Melbourne way, but he's playing for QLD. We don't swing that way.

If qld has dug deep, and held nsw out for 10 mins, you wouldnt even be arguing this. cronk cant predict the future anymore than u can
It's pretty easy to predict if you hold a guy back you will cop 10 in the bin.
And in Origin, having 12 against 13 is a massive disadvantage. Don't need to be einstein to work that out. I'm sure Cronk today really regrets what he did, and so he should.
It's pretty easy to predict if you hold a guy back you will cop 10 in the bin.
And in Origin, having 12 against 13 is a massive disadvantage. Don't need to be einstein to work that out. I'm sure Cronk today really regrets what he did, and so he should.

of course he knew he was going to get the bin. i have no doubt that mal would tell him to do the same thing in game 3 if need be.
So you'd rather cop a CERTAIN 10 in the bin (It's the most blatant sin binning you can get, holding someone back from a try) AND a 2 pointer right in front rather than a possible 6 pointer? Seriously? Having 12 men for 10 minutes in an Origin game is dangerous business. It could cost you a game, it could cost you 2-3 tries easily. In fact, that's what it did. It cost QLD the game. Cronk cost QLD the game.

Yet i bet if you asked any nrl coach if they wouldve wanted cronk to do anything different, it would be a resounding "NO" from them all.

i can tell u what mal things right now

"I think it was a fair sin-binning," Meninga said. "I said to him, he did it for the team and he had to do it. He made a difference when he came back.

Cronk didnt cost us the game. The inability to hold the ball cost us the game. we lost by 4, and had numerous chances after forcing nsw to make something like 5 drop outs. we shouldve converted that possession to points. Thats what cost us the game
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I don't think we'll lose much by moving Inglis to fullback. He looks dangerous every time he runs, but he doesn't have the room to do so at the moment. He doesn't have the same combination with Smith and Cronk as Slater does, but at least he's more reliable under the high ball. Of course if by some retardation they moved Boyd to fullback instead...I just dunno.
I also have no issue with what Cronk did. Was it costly? Undoubtedly. But in the heat of the moment I have no doubt he did the only thing he could do. It didn't cost us the game. QLD had ample opportunity to win it. Fact is they weren't good enough. Fact also is though that NSW should have won by at least 20 so what does that say about them that QLD were in it literally until the last minute?!
First thing I wrote was congrats to NSW and their effort etc (at the start of the Post Game thread) - no one has overlooked it.

Can forgive Cronk for the hold back at the time, he wasn't to know the future. QLD have held so many times with 1 man in the bin (in hind sight was a big mistake though). What was worse however is when he held back a player after being back on the ground for just 2 minutes after the sin bin - that is pretty unforgivable and lucky the refs missed it, was quite obvious.

He did play really well after returning though to make up for it. I know they are different players and can't replace Locky, but I think they need to look at what roles Thurston and Locky played when Cronk was still on the bench and replicate it some how (with Thurston taking a bit of Locky's role in number 6 and Cronk playing Thurston role in no.7) because that actually worked and there are some gelling issues going on there. Thurston might need a bit more authority as Cronk is naturally trying to assert his (he does it for Melbourne every weekend).
Yes you can. One less player in the defensive line meaning more room to move. Was a very poor miss from Thurston on Carney, but would he have been tackling him one-on-one if Cronk was still out there? Who knows.

The sin bin was a dumb play. I think Cronk has one more game to justify being in the Origin side as starting halfback. If QLD lose, I'd be looking at DCE for next year. He's been very poor this series so far.

wow. you of all people i would have expected to see that Cronk made the right call.

it was 6 points, no doubt. carney wouldve got to it before slater. the only reason it wasnt a penalty try is because slater was near the whole thing, and they couldnt say with 100% certainty that slater wouldnt have dived and somehow got it first. thats the correct call too. but watching it, you can see it was always going to be a 6 pointer. cronk did what he had to do to save a try, and id expect him to do it again if he had to. it was the right call. save 6 points and hope that the team can defend well for 10 minutes, or give up 6 points and the lead to a team who had already vastly outplayed them in the first half. in a match where even 2 points were as good as gold, he made the right choice.

and like Queenslander said, him being off the field had nothing to do with Hayne dropping the ball onto his foot and morris scoring.

and cronk wasnt shoulder to shoulder - he was behind carney. he literally grabbed him from behind and held him from the ball. he couldnt have just tried bumping him then diving because carney was already ahead of him.

Rubbish. The only people carrying on stupid after last night's game are you and AP with your vendetta against Petero.
lol i forgot, cant say anything about a 'legend' without it being a "vendetta" or an "agenda".

there is no possible way that Civoniceva has deserved his spot in this origin series on anything other than loyalty. he has played pretty poorly for the broncos most of the time. not solid, not pretty good. he is simply too slow now. last year he wasnt. this year he is. he takes an eternity to get up and play the ball, as well as getting back in the defensive line.

call it a vendetta all you want, it doesnt mean we're not right. hes been poor in both origin matches.

I think Cronk has one more game to justify being in the Origin side as starting halfback.
did you not see that second half? cronk was the only reason we were even close to winning. he got in there and took control of the match after thurston had shown that he couldnt/wouldnt.

I'm sure Cronk today really regrets what he did, and so he should.

"Cronk’s decision to interfere with Carney twice was a decision Meninga supported.

“He did it for the team,” Meninga said of the incident.

“He had to do it.

“I’ve got no criticism of 'Coops'.”"

even Carney, the guy he tackled, agreed that it was the right thing to do:

"People say it should be a penalty try, but it’s Origin football," Carney said today.

"You do what you can to stop a try. And that’s what happened. I didn’t actually get a hand on the ball, so it was hard to call that (a penalty try)."

Thurston also agrees it was the right thing to do:

Cronk’s halves partner, Johnathan Thurston, said he would have done exactly the same thing if put in Cronk’s position.
"He was fighting for the ball. No doubt I would have done the same thing. I think we handled it pretty well even though they got a couple of lucky tries. Hayne loses it and toes it on the boot, they end up scoring off the back of that," Thurston said.
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Nope, you're wrong.
Especially on Cronk's absence not having anything to do with Hayne's contribution to the try. He ran from the left side, across field and through a gap up the middle...gee, would've been useful to have another defender in the line there...
They're all wrong too. It was a match turning decision, and he made the wrong one.
They're all wrong too. It was a match turning decision, and he made the wrong one.


He ran from the left side, across field and through a gap up the middle...gee, would've been useful to have another defender in the line there...
through a gap? he ran straight into thurston and lost the ball.....what gap did he run through?
I'd suggest you go back and watch that try again. He found open space, a staggered line, got through before Thurston came across to make a tackle. Again...staggered line...lots of space...symptoms of???????????? That's right boys and girls, a defensive line that's SHORT a player.

There endeth rugby league analysis for dummies lesson 1.