Parra Boss says "Cut The Cap"

well we need to do a "Fix the league or we go" Stand off...

League Fans Boycott.. i admit would be hard to pull of unless enough fans joined in
what an idiot. cut the salary so all the good players go overseas. we'll have money but we'll be watching reserve grade games.
The thing is a lot of the Sydney teams are pissing away over 500k a year in losses so it really wouldn't make a difference to the bottom line especially when you factor in the equation. loss of players = lower level of entertainment = less people turning up = less tv viewers = less money for the next tv deal = NRL Dead.
Cut the Crap, Denis?

So when can we expect your resignation?
Coxy said:
There you go agreeing with me again MB!

Agree about Gallop. He's a lawyer, plain and simple. He conducts himself in such a way that he reduces the likelihood of anyone suing the NRL.

If we're going to have a lawyer run the show, I VOTE DENNY CRANE! (not the BHQ poster, the REAL Denny Crane!) [icon_lol1.

I vote the BHQ Poster [icon_razz1
The clubs need to start thinking outside the box for new revenues, cutiing the cap is such a negative move for all the reasons pointed out already. Typical inward looking Sydney thinking though, the League world would hardly come to a halt if a few less teams are based in Sydney.
Jebadude said:
Coxy said:
There you go agreeing with me again MB!

Agree about Gallop. He's a lawyer, plain and simple. He conducts himself in such a way that he reduces the likelihood of anyone suing the NRL.

If we're going to have a lawyer run the show, I VOTE DENNY CRANE! (not the BHQ poster, the REAL Denny Crane!) [icon_lol1.

I vote the BHQ Poster [icon_razz1

Tough call - I'd have them as co-CEO's!
one word about Dennis Fitzgerald "HYPOCRITE"

PARRAMATTA chief executive Denis Fitzgerald refused to take a pay cut from his annual $400,000 salary - despite calling for NRL player's contracts to be slashed.

Fitzgerald did however reveal he had cancelled a Las Vegas junket in November because of Parramatta's struggling financial position.

Fitzgerald controversially called on the NRL to reduce the game's salary cap from $4 million back to $3.5 million.

The cut-back in player payments, he said, would ensure all clubs survive the current financial crisis.

The Fitzgerald plan would see the cap decreased by $100,000 a season over five years to take some of the strain off clubs.

Asked if would take a pay cut, Fitzgerald said: "No. My salary didn't treble when Super League hit 12 years ago.,865 ... 14,00.html
Denis the Menace said:
Asked if would take a pay cut, Fitzgerald said: "No. My salary didn't treble when Super League hit 12 years ago.

Translation: I was overpaid 12 years ago and nothing's changed.


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