There is no way I can reply to this without sounding like a complete toss, but here goes anyway…No idea what you look like but in my experience it’s always guys who skip the gym completely that drop the “skips leg day” comment.
I’m no gym junkie (I’m also not a professional RL player), but I am quite fit.
Running (and racing) is my thing, anywhere from 5km up to marathon and even some (sadly) failed attempts at 12 hour endurance runs.
So it’s completely fair to say I don’t have a sculpted physique, but I do know a fair bit about what it takes to train your body to the point where it wants to stop, and then go well beyond that.
Not sure if that qualifies me to comment on his lack of leg muscle when compared to his upper body, but I’m also not qualified to make about 99% of the other comments I make, so I guess I’m just maintaining the status quo.