ReWatching Origin; Props on Props:
Pat is much sexier than Payne.
Combing back his locks. Should be at the bow of a ship. Pointing the way to land.
Pat also has more mongrel than Payne in defence by a mile.
Although Pat doesn't metre eat, he has more football IQ than Payne, which leads to better next play.
Pat is also on half the money, and none of the drama.
Payne is often found doing the 1 percenters in chasing down a last play and such. But he is still a traitorous, self serving, opportunistic douchebag who is easily manipulated by smoke in arse, and the purr of a bill counter.
Choose your weapons...Payne is a reliable workhorse. Nothing more, nothing less.
F**k him off and upgrade Selwyn, Patty, and loyal, proven talent.