NEWS Payne Haas retracts immediate release from Broncos then

Run into the players every now an then at airports and often think to myself they look bigger on TV. Only once did reality meet expectation and that was Shane Webke, but even then I thought he would be taller. On the flip side, a couple Aussie cricketers seemed taller in real life than on the telly.
I ran into Petero the other day. Dude is still MASSIVE. Asked my kid if he'd tackle him, his eyes just bugged out of his head.
Run into the players every now an then at airports and often think to myself they look bigger on TV. Only once did reality meet expectation and that was Shane Webke, but even then I thought he would be taller. On the flip side, a couple Aussie cricketers seemed taller in real life than on the telly.
I was playing SG ball at parra stadium once before a broncos game. I was walking up the tunnel at the end of the game and saw these massive shadows coming the other way and it was dane Carlaw, Brad thorne and petero. I'll tell you, they did not look small.
Run into the players every now an then at airports and often think to myself they look bigger on TV. Only once did reality meet expectation and that was Shane Webke, but even then I thought he would be taller. On the flip side, a couple Aussie cricketers seemed taller in real life than on the telly.
Yeah the only player I have run into that was bigger than I thought was Adam Blair, he was a fucking unit but to me didn’t seem that big on TV.
Blue jumper, shorts? That would of been him. He was also at Touch of India getting food from there, as well.
Imagine earning what these blokes earn and eating shit like this. I understand KFC, but at least get takeaway from a nice Indian restaurant instead of tempting fate for the next 48 hours of bowel movements. Actually KFC isn't much better.
One person did. Everyone else just left him alone. Probably because he was there with his mrs and kid and some other dude.

When you see him up close, he's actually not as big as he looks on TV. It surprised me a bit. I've seen him up close before and I could have sworn he looked bigger then.
You must be a giant yourself then because I'm 6'3 120kg and the bloke made me feel like an absolute child when I walked past him at Garden city a couple years ago.
Imagine earning what these blokes earn and eating shit like this. I understand KFC, but at least get takeaway from a nice Indian restaurant instead of tempting fate for the next 48 hours of bowel movements. Actually KFC isn't much better.

When they used to have the Maccas cards, i heard quite a few stories of some of the Islander boys going from Macca's to Macca's getting their $20 limit per store.
I was playing SG ball at parra stadium once before a broncos game. I was walking up the tunnel at the end of the game and saw these massive shadows coming the other way and it was dane Carlaw, Brad thorne and petero. I'll tell you, they did not look small.
I’ve bumped into Reyno a few times ins Sydney. The guy is as small as he looks.
When they used to have the Maccas cards, i heard quite a few stories of some of the Islander boys going from Macca's to Macca's getting their $20 limit per store.
A lot of pressure on the boys to feed their families too though. I doubt it was just them being fat. Though I’m sure they did their fair share of damage too
A lot of pressure on the boys to feed their families too though. I doubt it was just them being fat. Though I’m sure they did their fair share of damage too

Part of it would have been buying stuff for other people no question. A former forward of ours who has been at 2 clubs since he left was mainly buying for himself 😄
When they used to have the Maccas cards, i heard quite a few stories of some of the Islander boys going from Macca's to Macca's getting their $20 limit per store.
The phys Ed teacher at my school drives to the 3 closest McDonald’s for our Broncos burgers. Gets one from each place.

He runs marathons for fun though.
ARey saying that Payne will stay....

If he is going to stay, he needs to do some massive backpeddling, apologising and get this whole mess sorted at the end of the year. I think it needs to be resolved with him either leaving or signing an extention ( and not on a million dollars ). We really dont need another contract shitshow.
The phys Ed teacher at my school drives to the 3 closest McDonald’s for our Broncos burgers. Gets one from each place.

He runs marathons for fun though.
I know Adam Blair absolutely used to tear shreds off the ones who used to do it. If you are going to eat that way you need to put the effort in elsewhere.