NEWS Payne Haas retracts immediate release from Broncos then

It's not that Islam turns them into assholes - if anything it's the opposite, it reigns them in - it's more the type of guys who covert and then become unbearably preachy. Sonny Bill is insufferable.

As a side note - and I don't mean Payne - this is who is most likely to get recruited by separatist cells. They get exploited for their naivete and eagerness to prove their piety.

The red flag I mean is more to do with the mental state that landed them into the peer group that sucked them down this rabbit hole. Most people are born into a religion and spend their lives in some kind of relationship with it. Getting Islam at birth is tough luck. You're stuck with the relationship. That's the one you have to work your life around. And once you're in, you're not allowed out. But actually choosing to buy into the ramblings of the odious, misogynist warlord who invented that religion. **** me.
I agree with the first part. That circle of Nasser is absolutely toxic. He wormed his way in through Mundine, who recruited SBW who idolised Mundine, then they hooked others and I think he targets young muslims in sport. So, I think it is just that circle of people that is the problem.

I honestly dislike those personality traits you described in people of any religion. One of my mates is in one of those Pentecostal groups that preach prosperity gospel, and I have had it out with him on many occasions before I just made a point to save the friendship by avoiding talking religion. Similarly, I have acquainted some Jewish people and Muslims, who I could have solid camaraderie with (I just never hung out enough with them to become good friends) that also had these strong ideals and zeal that could easily turn radical in the wrong sequence of events.

My Pentecostal friend went full antivax during Covid, but I don't have much contact with them when I am living overseas, so I only know how that is with him from mutual friends.

So, yep, agree about the mental state too. It's something of a gullibility and (as you said) naivety that, coupled with pride and shame, locks them on that sad path.

However, there are many schools of Islam and many people practice the faith differently. I haven't learnt the religion and haven't lived it to comment so strongly on the religion itself, but I think that it suffers from its age. It is essentially at its Crusade era. Fighting for relevance and legitimacy, still invigorated with youth and not aged like Catholicism with all its repetition and mundane rites.

I think our own viewpoints on it are probably skewed in a similar way to the Jews and how Jesus was a radical hippy who came in throwing tables around and inciting riots, etc.

IMO, all these religions are just MLMs that essentially offer people a sense of belonging and typically induction starts with love-bombing or some rite to earn your way in. I feel like Nasser basically does that with his boys. I mean, SBW talks about how Nasser never hyped them up or anything, but he is their manager. I mean, c'mon. Whatever.

Anyway, it's not religion, per se. It's just circumstance.

For example, Scomo being part of the Hillsong church seemed to work out pretty well for him. Being part of the liberal party seems to work out well in terms of property development. Peter V'Landys being the head of the NRL seems to be working out pretty well for betting agencies.
It's fairly obvious that Haas never planned this present scenario. He's been told to follow the advice of his manager who I'm quite certain is working in tandem with Nasser, SBW and co. and via them, Pollitis. keep in mind Pollitis considers it beneath him to play by the rules. It might be hurting us now but he's done it with Keary, Angus Crichton and Sualli just from Souths. I now get an idea of how the Rabbits feel towards this cancer in the game.

I know DD and Ikin are well respected on here, but I'm not sure even Marty from Ozark would be able to resolve this in such a way that Haas either stays or we end up getting a comparable spine player as compensation.

The sooner we resolve the issue and move on the better. The media will want to play this out for as long as possible as it's clickbait heaven for them. For the majority of us I think I'm right in saying we're already over it.
Guys, obviously his social circle plays a massive role in this but for now, please leave the religion angle out of it. There are understandable reasons that it is being bought up here but let’s just please be careful we don’t derail this into an argument that belongs in the religion thread.
The disappointing thing for me is the lack of maturity- Let's assume Payne's living a miserable life at the Broncos. Then don't you go to Ikin and say this is the deal mate. I know I am contracted but I am miserable for these reasons. Can we talk about a release at the end of the year if things don't improve?

Not email Ikin on Wednesday night and not talk to anyone disrupting a whole week.

Ikin is the most thoughtful man in history, he'd consider and be insightful from that point.

The actual asking for a release doesn't bother/lots do it- hell Kevvie and Alf did it but the way he's done it is poor. It's disrupted the week and the team and this is a team that only have two or three guys that can handle choppy water.
From the outside looking in, it looks like very poor advice/management from his new agent.
He has thrown the toys out of the cot. The I want a release statement (by email?) sounds like a manager that genuinely has no idea what he is doing, showing very poor negotiation skills.
His I want more money line hasn’t floated now that we have capable leaders and management at the club in DD & Ikin.
Asking for a release is extremely reactive and seems to have been done as poor tactic as a result of not getting their way.

What I dont understand is, from reports he wants more money and an extension for 2025, but also states he isn’t happy at the club, so why is he happy to stick around for another few years if he isn’t happy? Loyalty over numbers, Payne? $$$$

In hindsight, us upgrading his contract $ last year when we had zero obligation to, could be the reasons Payne now thinks he is entitled to another upgrade.

I’m not ready to completely give up on Payne just yet, as stated earlier there is a chance he had no clue whatsoever that his manager had asked for a release.
In years gone by, old Broncos management probably would have given him what he wanted if he ushered that he wanted a release, especially in the past few years when we have been at the bottom of the table.

One interesting thing I did notice last night on Fox was that Brandy seemed not too happy with Payne & his managements requests. He made it pretty clear that Fitler and NSWRL have told their players not to enter into contract negotiations in and around origin time as it because quite the distraction and thats exactly what Payne has decided to do.

Tonights response from the fans will be an interesting one. If Payne is booed at every touch of the football, it may convince him that he is making the right decision in leaving. But please, do it anyway.

The whole thing is weird, but I almost now think its too far gone. There has been whispers around now for 18 or so months that Payne wants out and he kind of denied it, along with the club but now that it has actually come out from his management team, I‘ll find it pretty hard to believe he stays beyond this year.

I do hope the club draws a line in the sand as says nope, you’re here until 2024, as per the contract you’ve signed, but unfortunately I think he’ll get release in the off season.
The thing is, apart from the Roosters where else do they think he could realistically go? Depending on whether they resigned Hunt, maybe the Dragons? Possibly the Sea Eagles, but they have Turbo and DCE on big deals and I have no idea how their cap looks, but Taupau is off contract and Foran is off to the the Titans, so they may be able to find the room. And the only other team I can think of is the Warriors. I'm completely speculating, but they are the only other three that make sense. Gus wouldn't overload the cap in the forwards at the Dogs surely.

It seems weird to do this type of thing in the mid season. Wouldn't it if made more sense to wait and see if the team had made finals or even made the grand final? When SBW walked out on the Bulldogs, he had at least played in a premiership winning team.

Either way, it's hard to see sense in how Haas plays finals for us now. We shouldn't be giving him that experience when we have other players who want to be here and would benefit just as much from it.
I wonder if allege leaving the Warriors leads to JWH going there and Haas to the Roosters. I wonder if that is what the Roosters are angling for.
so am I reading this right, he emailed a request for a release? didn't approach them verbally, didn't raise any concerns prior, was happy to go along with it until bam wednesday email, i want a release?

what a huge bitch boy if so. didn't even have the stones to say it face to face.
I wonder if allege leaving the Warriors leads to JWH going there and Haas to the Roosters. I wonder if that is what the Roosters are angling for.
The NRL needs to stamp down on this. JWH is on nowhere near the same amount as Haas and they can't even get Crichton signed off. Unless they plan to move them both on for Haas, then it makes a bit more sense..
so am I reading this right, he emailed a request for a release? didn't approach them verbally, didn't raise any concerns prior, was happy to go along with it until bam wednesday email, i want a release?

what a huge bitch boy if so. didn't even have the stones to say it face to face.
Who knows what to believe, the story today is he emailed them, the story yesterday is he told Kev after training...
Who knows what to believe, the story today is he emailed them, the story yesterday is he told Kev after training...
yeah it's all a bit messy at this point but it kinda works in paynes favour to muddy the waters?
yeah it's all a bit messy at this point but it kinda works in paynes favour to muddy the waters?
He'd want to have the game of his life tonight, that's for sure because he's made himself public enemy no.1. He should also sack his fuckhead managers because they've brought all this heat on him, any smart manager would never do things this way. That's not say he isn't a dumb **** himself but it's bad advice for sure.
As a Broncos supporter I'm trying to remain as neutral as possible in this and see things from Payne's perspective but it really doesn't look good from him.

It's been acknowledged he carried our team, allbeit still finishing last, throguh our darkest days and his salary has appropriately amended as such. To be fair, at present you could argue his worth possibly another 50k a year. However in the big picture players of that value (1 mil plus) simply have to be game winners. They regularly need to be the difference between winning and losing i.e thurston, clearly, smith, teddy. Payne does not do that.

I find it difficult to beleive he doesn't have another offer lined up. You simply dont leave an 800k a year job with no destination in site. If this is the case he is receiving horrible advice. Regarding the $$ he's chasing, to what effect does the fact we've brought him throguh the system from a young age and he's now a rep player in a team who have won 5 straight and on the way up have. If you're Payne surely you afford the club some leeway and acknowledge that an increase in his salary puts pressure on our cap and really hinders our (HIS) ability to win a premiership.

From the club/fans perspective i can i understand the calls to just let him walk. Use the salary to front end some deals this year and plug gaps next year, a fullback/hooker. The problem with that is there is no guarantee upon releasing Payne you will find a peice to fill the puzzle.

Ultimately Payne is one of the best props in the game and we are a better team with him then without him. As such releasing him under current circumstances is of no benefit to the club until a suitbale replacement can be found. Providing Payne still plays to the best of his ability we need to keep playing him and let the contract situation sort out behind the scenes.

I agree now that our forward pack has come of age, we can cover his loss internally and if we can replace his 800k a year with a first class hooker/fullback, it's something we should persue.

What i will say to close our is no matter what the boys say on camera and they may put on a happy face, there is no way this team is happy with Hass right now. I'm expecting a very disjointed ugly performance tonight from a team who (rightfully so) will be very distracted. If you take Herbie for example who has just extended his contract taking unders so we can pay marquee guys like Payne top $$ only to discover Payne wants more and he has taken unders for no reason.
After reading Wikipaedia, there’s not much to like about this Tyran Smith dude, is there?

“Smith is the brother-in-law of fellow NRL footballer Anthony Mundine, having married his sister, Kellie.[12]

He is now a Director of Sportsplayer Management alongside John Hopoate.[13][14]

His son Reimis Smith is currently on the roster of the Melbourne Storm.”
One other thing - a manager who played for seven different clubs is probably not the best person to give instruction and advice about club loyalty.
Corey Parker:

“Brisbane should let him go immediately. He has thrown his toys out of the cot because he hasn’t got what he wanted. The internal rift this will cause in the dressing room will be significant. After everything the Broncos have done for him, giving him upgrades when he was involved in numerous off-field incidents, I find his stance unbelievable. There is no question about his playing ability, but the Broncos have always been bigger than one man. So let him go. Hold your integrity and let him go and chase the money. The Broncos are playing with fire if they hold onto him. He has shown his true colours. He is not a team player. The Broncos should not compromise their integrity in this situation.”​
“They signed him to a six-year deal as an 18-year-old coming off a shoulder reconstruction. In that time, he got another pay rise out of goodwill. How much more money does he want? They supported him through his off-field dramas when he could have easily been sacked. There’s been murmurs and rumblings for months about Payne Haas leaving the club. If he stays, it will cause a rift within the club. He has asked to leave the joint."​
"When you are running out on the field and you look to your left and see Payne Haas, you could think he doesn’t want to be here anyway. The Broncos have been through some hard times and now just as they are turning the corner, Haas drops this bombshell. In the history of our club, no one player has ever been bigger than the Broncos. I’d release him. Why would the Broncos persist with a guy who doesn’t want to be there?”​