PLAYER Payne Haas



International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Let's see you flex your crystal balls. You get two wild guesses. Votes can't be changed.

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Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
While I’m sure Payne would love to leave the club for reasons other than just money, I actually think this was a bluff to an extent.

He got knocked back for his ridiculous pay rise request and I believe he and his team have done this purely with the hopes of scaring the club into folding to his request.

There has been a media narrative (that I don’t believe was purely authentic) that Payne is a million dollar player and broncos are underpaying him. This took a hit when the courts released his actual figures and that the club actually did give him a massive pay rise that they weren’t obligated to do, however the general consensus was that the broncos should give him a substantial pay bump. I think his camp expected everyone to be on Payne’s side upon new of the release request and would pressure the broncos into giving in to his demands. It went the exact opposite though with basically everyone turning on Payne, coincidentally the story then became “Payne feels unfairly treated” to try and win back some moral ground but that just backfired even worse.

I don’t care what he does next but he needs to be prevented from getting a pay increase, and the club should not release him this year unless it is to our benefit (ie significant player swap). I’d also like to see the club force a condition that Haas is not allowed to play against the broncos for the remainder of his current contract length.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 28, 2019
I find it hilarious that I wasn’t the only one who said gangster rapper


NYC Player
Oct 5, 2013
agree with Theshed - think this is a beatup from his manager and he is wanting more money. Why else would the Broncos make him stay and state "continue to negotoiate". I think that we have only had a portion of the story but if this is the case then Payne really needs to look at who is his manager.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
Oh bullshit, I would've voted for the Eminem option too if it was available at the time of voting.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
agree with Theshed - think this is a beatup from his manager and he is wanting more money. Why else would the Broncos make him stay and state "continue to negotoiate". I think that we have only had a portion of the story but if this is the case then Payne really needs to look at who is his manager.
That’s a good point. Perhaps Payne said “if you are unable to find a suitable compromise then I would like an immediate release”.


State of Origin Captain
Apr 4, 2014
I voted joins a gang but seen the gangster rapper after the vote so I reserve the judgement to say after he joins the gang he does rap battles in the maccas car parks on Friday night. Milford will be there to support him whilst eating cheeseburgers.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
agree with Theshed - think this is a beatup from his manager and he is wanting more money. Why else would the Broncos make him stay and state "continue to negotoiate". I think that we have only had a portion of the story but if this is the case then Payne really needs to look at who is his manager.
His manager will just be whispering sweet nothings into his ear... "it's a negotiating tactic... we spoke about this before I sent the email... we knew there would be blowback, but I'm working through it... I've got your back in this"

And Mundine and co will be looking at the toxicity on social media and being like "see the fans dont give a shit about you... the second you ask to be paid your value and worth they turn on you... you dont need them. Get your money while you can... get out of there, come to Sydney and we'll look after you"


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
While I’m sure Payne would love to leave the club for reasons other than just money, I actually think this was a bluff to an extent.

He got knocked back for his ridiculous pay rise request and I believe he and his team have done this purely with the hopes of scaring the club into folding to his request.

There has been a media narrative (that I don’t believe was purely authentic) that Payne is a million dollar player and broncos are underpaying him. This took a hit when the courts released his actual figures and that the club actually did give him a massive pay rise that they weren’t obligated to do, however the general consensus was that the broncos should give him a substantial pay bump. I think his camp expected everyone to be on Payne’s side upon new of the release request and would pressure the broncos into giving in to his demands. It went the exact opposite though with basically everyone turning on Payne, coincidentally the story then became “Payne feels unfairly treated” to try and win back some moral ground but that just backfired even worse.

I don’t care what he does next but he needs to be prevented from getting a pay increase, and the club should not release him this year unless it is to our benefit (ie significant player swap). I’d also like to see the club force a condition that Haas is not allowed to play against the broncos for the remainder of his current contract length.
I said this earlier, but if this is the case, they need to set an example and treat his request as bad faith, and also refuse to deal with his agent in future. We can end this fucker's career.


State of Origin Captain
Apr 4, 2014
But in all honestly, he just went from one of the clubs most loved stars to its most hated within 24 hours. The hate he is going to get from the fans until he pulls his head in will be deafening.


NYC Player
Oct 5, 2013
Maybe DD and Ikin need to bring in Hodgo to let him know how good the Roosters and their sombrero were for him - might make him think twice about going there.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
His manager will just be whispering sweet nothings into his ear... "it's a negotiating tactic... we spoke about this before I sent the email... we knew there would be blowback, but I'm working through it... I've got your back in this"

And Mundine and co will be looking at the toxicity on social media and being like "see the fans dont give a shit about you... the second you ask to be paid your value and worth they turn on you... you dont need them. Get your money while you can... get out of there, come to Sydney and we'll look after you"
Yes, it reeks of Mundine, which worked great for making us want to watch him get his lights punched out, but I'm pretty sure Payne doesn't want to be universally hated.


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
I know I'm dreaming, but I'd love to see Mam or the Gambler put Haas through a hole for a try tonight and not one of the team rushes over to congratulate him. Just let him stand there and let it sink in.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
But in all honestly, he just went from one of the clubs most loved stars to its most hated within 24 hours. The hate he is going to get from the fans until he pulls his head in will be deafening.
Unfortunately for us, it's only Broncos fans who are having kittens over this. The rest of the NRL is loving it, and will happily welcome him in should their club be so foolhardy to pay him these numbers.

For all his misdemeanors the only one that's really on the nose is what he said to that female cop. The NRL really should've punted him for that, but we all wanted to sweep it under the carpet. Really, that was much worse than anything Israel Folau did. Way worse.

But since then he's sworn off the booze and got pious, and the incident with Kelly reflected worse on Albert so I think competing fans will be able to turn the other cheek on it, so to speak.

This massive dummy-spit is all about us, I'm afraid.

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