PLAYER Payne Haas

I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
You have got to marvel at Payne and his brother's success at more or less keeping their heads on their shoulders while being surrounded by such nong nongs as their parents. I feel so sorry for them.

If anything it does benefit the Broncs in the long term. Payne is desperate to have people he knows and cares for in his life and around him and Kevvie and his teammates may very well fit that bill.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
My guess is he is likely going to be off for a bit and he will play after origin.

Mid game adrenaline probably the main reason he played on.


NRL Player
Feb 25, 2015
My guess is he is likely going to be off for a bit and he will play after origin.

Mid game adrenaline probably the main reason he played on.
Yeah I'd say so - if he has turf toe or a break he'll need 4+ weeks anyway. Might do him some good.

How on earth did he end up even remotely normal (yes, I know he's had his problems, but if he followed in the family line he'd have a wrap sheet a mile long by now) with those parents.

*edit* Nerve problem from Bullemor's knee into the back of his calf. Still think he could use some time to process effectively losing both of his parents to jail (or worse in one case) through their own stupidity and wreckless nature.


QCup Player
Jul 26, 2020
My guess is he is likely going to be off for a bit and he will play after origin.

Mid game adrenaline probably the main reason he played on.
Played on because the game was on the line and had a great charge will lead to FG. He is a Bronco! Enough said

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