PLAYER Payne Haas



State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
TBH I reckon if he wins a premiership with us he'll consider it job done, dream achieved, and be off to earn the biggest $$ possible. At which point I'd welcome it, a premiership is a fair exchange.
Yea it's possible, and I wouldn't blame him. But I would love to see him as a lifelong Bronco


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008

Love Payne. One of a few who can proudly say they've never been half arsed when wearing our jersey.

For all those questioning his loyalty, he's literally going to be a 10 year bronco in 2026.

Dude gave up a world cup campaign to be at his best for us this year.

Hopefully a Bronco for life. Patty and Payne will be the cornerstones of a decade of success ahead.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I just saw a video on Fox Sports website (parts of a press conference with Kevvie and Haas after the signing). where Haas said that he always wanted to stay here and that it was a bit "immature" on his/his managers side


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
I just saw a video on Fox Sports website (parts of a press conference with Kevvie and Haas after the signing). where Haas said that he always wanted to stay here and that it was a bit "immature" on his/his managers side
Posting it here.

"I think I've always wanted to stay here, probably on our end it was a bit, probably a bit immature from our end to be honest but at the end of the day we got it done and we all learned our lessons, I'm just happy we're here now.

Kev getting teary at the end shows just how much he loves Payno (and by extension why the team is playing so well, Kev is just so loveable) and why Payne was never going to leave.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Posting it here.

"I think I've always wanted to stay here, probably on our end it was a bit, probably a bit immature from our end to be honest but at the end of the day we got it done and we all learned our lessons, I'm just happy we're here now.

Kev getting teary at the end shows just how much he loves Payno (and by extension why the team is playing so well, Kev is just so loveable) and why Payne was never going to leave.

Since the release requests, Dave has absolutely spanked Payne’s amateur manager


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
Posting it here.

"I think I've always wanted to stay here, probably on our end it was a bit, probably a bit immature from our end to be honest but at the end of the day we got it done and we all learned our lessons, I'm just happy we're here now.

Kev getting teary at the end shows just how much he loves Payno (and by extension why the team is playing so well, Kev is just so loveable) and why Payne was never going to leave.

Yes, the emotions Kevvie was expressing runs deeper than just the team. He knows the hell that Haas has went through with family and yet despite it all his footy on the field just seems to be getting better. I'm really lookin forward to flying down to Canberra for the game next week. Now that he's put pen to paper and put the whole circus to bed I expect him to have a career best display against these grubby twats.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Yep, he has handled it so much better this year and even when not sure he would re-sign, he never once said something stupid or did something stupid. The respect level for him is through the roof.

It really seems like Kevvie might be a bit of a father figure to him too. Kevvie is just the best thing to happen to this club in a very, very long time. Donuts is obviously right up there but Kevvie just gets it and is the exact mentor our immensely talented kids needed.

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