RUMOUR Pending Broncos Investigation

I really do hope this is some bullshit the media and nsw news companies want to do, to get a reaction like we are giving them. At the end of the day all the they have is that karmic hale hunt used to play for us and were up the road from the GC... Your fucking kidding me?! If this is all a beat up the NRL need to compensate the broncos for this, even if this not true some fans will hate it and may move on from the broncos. This is horrible.. But yet again the salary cap probe was all bullshit aswell.
So **** the Nrl
**** the media
**** karmichael hunt
**** all of them!
Bring on round 1!
Could be more than 10

Could be more than 950 players involved.

We can all say shit we've heard or read on Twitter, made up, or had someone tell us. This is a criminal investigation by the CCC. You think they're telling the people who think they know? Absolutely not.
I've heard from an ex-nrl player (non-bronco) who I work with that a very senior bronco is bricking it.
i imagine there would be a lot of players (both ex and current) from probably a lot of clubs who are worried at the moment.
Hmm, I have a feeling I know who the senior Bronco is.

remember stillnox? when mixed with redbull it supposedly produces a similar feeling.

Careful with insinuations people!

According to the SVRL player list, up to 581 players could be "bricking it" at the moment...