Supplying a dangerous drug can mean something as innocent as shouting your mate, it's not necessarily dealing. Trafficking though, that is pretty serious I think. Can any of the coppers on the forum confirm you need to have gone through a fair bit for a trafficking charge?
As far as I know he hasn’t been charged with Trafficking dangerous drugs, only receiving property obtained from Trafficking, ie: someone else has swapped ‘property’ (which could be cash, guns, tv’s you name it) for drugs and he is charged with knowingly receiving that property, knowing it came in exchange from drugs.
Trafficking dangerous drugs is the most serious drug offence there is in Qld. It requires that a person be ‘carrying on the business’ of supplying dangerous drugs. For police to substantiate such a charge, evidence will be led of ‘business like activities’ (marketing a product, negotiating prices, arranging transportation / delivery / storage etc) in relation to the supply of a dangerous drug / drugs.
Usually such a brief contains evidence of such activites (phone calls, messages, witness statements / suspect interviews) linked to the supply of drugs, plus evidence of the actual supply of said drugs (surveillance footage, phone intercepts, messages, recorded admissions, covert purchases of drugs and so on).
Whilst I will admit there have been innumerable times people have been charged with Trafficking and subsequently not convicted of it, it’s not a charge preferred lightly because there is so much that needs to be proved.
Shouting a couple of mates here and there will never amount to trafficking, nor will the purchase of an 8 ball and splitting half to cover the costs type scenario, usually.
But nonetheless it sounds like he has been a silly young man.
Really? You know growing a single dope plant is enough to be classed as trafficking in QLD. Yet in Canberra it's legal. Spare us the moralising.
No it isn’t. Stop making shit up.