NEWS Plod Haas

Is that correct? I know you have a legal amount you can drink before you are over the limit. Didnt think it was the same with drugs. Its pretty much zero tolerence so the law will say you are under the influence.
I think its got to a stage where its more an accumulation of incidents from Payne rather than just this one. I think @pagey has a valid point about somebody taking drugs and getting behind the wheel under the influence compared to what Payne has done. One is clearly worse than the other. Payne imo got off very lightly for his driving unlicensed and txting in control of a vehicle. That can also lead injury or death.

My take is still come down hard on the bloke this time. Suspend him, fine him, educate him. Its not his first offence, its not his second offence, its his third offence. Time to get tough with the idiot. If he gets into any trouble again, cut him loose. I can pretty much guarantee people would want him gone now if his name was Joel Clinton or Martin Kennedy. Being Payne Haas has bought him some goodwill imo.
Joel Clinton and Martin Kennedy hey, terrible memories!
The rate in the broadcast media is closer to 100% and it's higher in politics than you might imagine.
I know have spent alot of time in parliament house and the stories I've heard are crazy
I know have spent alot of time in parliament house and the stories I've heard are crazy
Been there, done that. No comment. Was it you who said he worked with Bomber?

Coke's on the verge of being decriminalized in the ACT. Good times ahead.
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I've pointed this out a number of times now: a verbal threat to harm is assault. You are conflating assault with battery.

Just because you think it's okay to say to someone: I'll fucking punch your head in if you don't suck my **** right now, doesn't mean it's legal.
As mentioned by Jason Simmons earlier, the provision you cited earlier is from the Qld Criminal Code, the offence occurred in NSW, and he was not charged with assault, he was charged with intimidation.
There is a lot of talk about a verbal threat being assault.

Can anyone clear this up for me? In my youth i got a bit too drunk on the demon rum, stole a pack of pork from Woolies and hurled it at a passing bullwagon.
The cops got out and proceeded to throw me in the back and haul my ass down to the station, all the while im hollering at them that i was gonna kill them all and take them all out by myself like the tough dickhead i was at 20.

Spent the night in the drunk tank, and in the morning sheepishly apologized for being a deadset wanker and the cops let me go telling me to behave myself in the future.
No charges, no nothing, just sobered me up and sent me on my way.

Now i said stuff to them that was on par or worse with what Payne said, but i wasn't arrested or anything. Is it up to the cops discretion as to weather or not they will charge someone with verbal assault, or threatening police?
Did Payne cop it worse because he is a footy star, and a behemoth, whereas i was just a punk kid, and only half Payne's size?
As mentioned by Jason Simmons earlier, the provision you cited earlier is from the Qld Criminal Code, the offence occurred in NSW, and he was not charged with assault, he was charged with intimidation.
Law is the same, but being cops they have other tools in their bag to yank on his ****:

There is a lot of talk about a verbal threat being assault.

Can anyone clear this up for me? In my youth i got a bit too drunk on the demon rum, stole a pack of pork from Woolies and hurled it at a passing bullwagon.
The cops got out and proceeded to throw me in the back and haul my ass down to the station, all the while im hollering at them that i was gonna kill them all and take them all out by myself like the tough dickhead i was at 20.

Spent the night in the drunk tank, and in the morning sheepishly apologized for being a deadset wanker and the cops let me go telling me to behave myself in the future.
No charges, no nothing, just sobered me up and sent me on my way.

Now i said stuff to them that was on par or worse with what Payne said, but i wasn't arrested or anything. Is it up to the cops discretion as to weather or not they will charge someone with verbal assault, or threatening police?
Did Payne cop it worse because he is a footy star, and a behemoth, whereas i was just a punk kid, and only half Payne's size?
Up to the cops. I know more than one woman who's faced court for far less than Haas. You won't go to prison for saying "now I know why they call you cuntstable" but they can **** with you enough you'll regret being a smart arse." Community service is basically getting sent to detention for adults.
Up to the cops. I know more than one woman who's faced court for far less than Haas. You won't go to prison for saying "now I know why they call you cuntstable" but they can **** with you enough you'll regret being a smart arse." Community service is basically getting sent to detention for adults.
So its 100% up to the individual cops discretion in the moment?
I guess being massive like Payne has its disadvantages if you are a bit volatile on the piss.

Might be worth slapping a booze ban on him, if thats possible for the club to enforce.
So its 100% up to the individual cops discretion in the moment?
I guess being massive like Payne has its disadvantages if you are a bit volatile on the piss.

Might be worth slapping a booze ban on him, if thats possible for the club to enforce.
From what I've observed it seems to be, or used to be. You'd have to ask one of the cops on here. I'm sure they'll give you a much more measured answer.

Meanwhile, this is how the cops should've reacted. If you haven't watched Banshee, consider this my highest recommendation:

So should this:


Be considered slapstick comedy now?
Been there, done that. No comment. Was it you who said he worked with Bomber?

Coke's on the verge of being decriminalized in the ACT. Good times ahead.
Haha , no it wasn't me. God dam ACT, good times indeed
There is a lot of talk about a verbal threat being assault.

Can anyone clear this up for me? In my youth i got a bit too drunk on the demon rum, stole a pack of pork from Woolies and hurled it at a passing bullwagon.
The cops got out and proceeded to throw me in the back and haul my ass down to the station, all the while im hollering at them that i was gonna kill them all and take them all out by myself like the tough dickhead i was at 20.

Spent the night in the drunk tank, and in the morning sheepishly apologized for being a deadset wanker and the cops let me go telling me to behave myself in the future.
No charges, no nothing, just sobered me up and sent me on my way.

Now i said stuff to them that was on par or worse with what Payne said, but i wasn't arrested or anything. Is it up to the cops discretion as to weather or not they will charge someone with verbal assault, or threatening police?
Did Payne cop it worse because he is a footy star, and a behemoth, whereas i was just a punk kid, and only half Payne's size?
What McHunt is not mentioning is the other part of the definition regarding a threat, that is:

or who by any bodily act or gesture attempts or threatens to apply force of any kind to the person of another without the other person’s consent, under such circumstances that the person making the attempt or threat has actually or apparently a present ability to effect the person’s purpose, is said to assault that other person, and the act is called an "assault" .

In your scenario, you are locked in the back of a paddy wagon in custody, you do not have an actual or a present ability to effect your purpose, so no, you have not committed an assault.

If you are sitting down, and 10 feet away from a person and mouthing threats of violence at them, in my view you do not have a present ability to effect your purpose. If you are up on your feet, in their face being verbally agressive, perhaps with a fist clenched - you have a present ability to effect your purpose.
Karl Morris:

“Payne has to be educated that the police aren’t the enemy, the police have a job to do and we are very lucky as a society to have police officers. Payne will get some rehabilitation from us. I can honestly say Payne is a decent kid, but he is still young and it’s important as a club we provide assistance for our players. I want to look at a mentoring program where we have our players surrounded by good people and successful business people to help them on their journey. Last year, we had Tevita working with some business mentors after his off-field indiscretion. They didn’t want anything from him, but he took a lot from that experience.

"The reality is NRL players earn good money and they can be in a bit of a sporting bubble. Most of their working life will be post football, not during football, and we have to prepare them for that. I believe the Broncos do think of players holistically, but there’s a lot of pressure on young players. The whole of the NRL needs to be looking at this issue."

“It’s a different era, players aren’t working full-time jobs, so we need to be spending time on their holistic health. It’s not just about them being fit and available to play football, but also preparing Broncos players for life after football.

“Not everyone can be like Darren Lockyer or Cameron Smith. Most will have to go into the real world and find jobs and be good citizens.”

Darren Lockyer:

“We are disappointed (with Haas) and the important part is Payne is disappointed and remorseful. We are dealing with young men and it’s (poor behaviour) always going to be there. From a club and board perspective, it’s about what support mechanisms we’re putting around these young men to deal with everything. It’s always on the agenda for any club. You’re dealing with young men, some of them still kids. When you combine that with alcohol it’s going to be there. At the Broncos we want to have high standards with everything we do on and off the field."

“Even though I’m at the club as a director, I’m not in and around the players, particularly with COVID last year. It’s hard to give a firm answer on what the standards are in the inner sanctum. Everything is accentuated when the performance on the field is poor. If you’re doing a lot of good things off the field well it will help on the field. Every individual needs to know they’re in the public eye and play for a prestigious club. That comes with responsibilities.”

“The police do remarkable work for us and there is no excuse for Payne’s conduct. As a game we will be making no excuses for any players who abuse police. Our investigation will complete relatively quickly now. You can expect us to take the appropriate action. This is completely unacceptable behaviour by one of our players. It’s fair to say he’ll be facing sanctions given what’s now become public knowledge. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to abuse police, women or use language of this nature. It’s not the standards we expect of our community or our players who are role models. I am very disappointed in Payne’s behaviour.”

Terry Matterson:

“There‘s no doubt about what’s expected of the group this year. There is an expectation on not only how you play here but how you behave off the field. With social media these days, it‘s very different to when I was playing. The Haas incident is another example of what not to do. We need to move forward quickly and we don’t want to see any more of that down the track.”

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Most young men don’t cuss and abuse police officers. Sorry.
Meh , you get done with coke in your system most serve a lengthy stint on the sidelines. For Naden he gets a $5000 fine , inconsistent to say the least.
It only seems inconsistent because WADA brought in new rules for 2021 and they decided it was fair for him to be punished under the new rules rather than the old ones.
Is that correct? I know you have a legal amount you can drink before you are over the limit. Didnt think it was the same with drugs. Its pretty much zero tolerence so the law will say you are under the influence.
A blood test will find coke a few days after consuming, weed up to a month, even more. Depending on the type of test done on you. The police roadside swabs are designed to find if you are still high or affected, asadas tests are designed to identify if you have done it recently I believe, even if not still affected.


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