


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
Thinking of our starting side this season, do we all agree this is probably what it is at?

1. Walsh
2. Oates
3. Staggs
4. Farnsworth
5. Cobbo
6. Mam
7. Arey
8. Flegler
9. Walters (50/30 share)
10. Haas
11. Capwell
12. Riki
13. Carrigan

14. Paix
15. Jensen
16. Willison
17. Palasia (signed with Titans 2024)

having lost James and Kennedy, Hetherington is out for a while with a Bicep tear, TC has been stood down and Palasia has signed with the Titans for 2024 does Willison get decent game time? How is he going in preseason training?
Has to be pretty damn close to where we are at (barring injuries/assaults during the pre-season).


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
We have Bayliss-Brow too, he might be a good shot at some game time this year. Piakura likely will take the 17 spot far earlier and at times this year.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
I keep hearing about bad behaviour from Staggs .
I heard he got ejected from a night spot for unwanted sexual attention . I also heard the porn clip was uploaded by the woman in the clip .

Doesn`t seem like a sackable offence to me ? What has happened other than those incidents ?

I see you are convinently forgetting his homophobic abuse of a Broncos fan who just wanted a picture with him, who then got the his head punched in by a couple of Kotoni's mates. Blokes a grub.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
324240639 707002084168095 432283373519085390 n


QCup Player
Aug 24, 2022
Goodness, he’s solid build & looks much taller than Herbie based on the angle the photo was taken. If he’s one amongst our playing group, would be a very handy middle third.
I’m intrigued to know as well.
Old Mate

Old Mate

NRL Player
Jul 5, 2008
And whatever else that got him dropped from the warriors, the preseason drugs fiasco, and everyrhing else he has swept under the rug.
If it was just that, fair enough, but its not.
We need this club to hold everyone to a higher standard or expect our under 20s to see where the bar is set for 1st graders and try and match them (and im not talking about training).
Except he’s a proven gun.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018

“We’ve got a really strong culture, a culture that cares … it’s a great privilege to play for the Broncos and it comes with great responsibilities too. We’ve done a lot of work in terms of our values and standards. To me, that underpins the culture. We’ve got some really strong and capable leaders. They’re leading the charge with this group."​
“It was important to get the playing group back after a break. They’ve trained really hard and had a well-deserved break. They’re coming back in, there’s a line in the sand and opportunity to build over the next four weeks until the first trial."​
"I don’t have any concerns over the next seven weeks. Kev’s been really clear from the outset of pre-season what’s required of these guys. We’ve got lofty goals and want to see continued progress."​
“Given where we finished last year and the progress we saw across the entire club … if we continue that we will see us achieve something we haven’t been able to for some time. That’s our goal. The guys are clear. Kev’s addressed it and Adam will address it. They’ve got my full support around that. I addressed it early in the pre-season and don’t believe I need to again.”​

“On Walsh and Fifita, having understood and spoken to a number of people around it, we’ve ended up with a Bronco and a Titan in a teacup. We educate young men that if they find themselves in a position they’re not comfortable with to leave. We don’t want to escalate these situations. In this case, Reece did leave. He took a cab home then took a cab back to pick his friend up. That is part of the story that was left out. There isn’t any need to have a further conversation with Reece. He understands the expectations of the club and what we require of him. These guys are well recognised and well known but Reece hasn’t done a whole lot wrong here.”​

“On Payne's mother, it’s important to add context and perspective around it. We’re talking about a horrible, tragic incident that’s seen three lives taken, families and communities devastated. To be really clear, Payne didn’t have any involvement in this. He’s seen his name connected because of obvious reasons. There’s legal proceedings and serious charges that will play out away from the club.​
“Payne’s got a beautiful daughter and partner and also six brothers and sisters that are school-age. Sometimes these guys can be put on a pedestal and seen as paid actors in a soap opera. The reality is they are human, real people with real lives outside these four walls. Payne’s responsibility in the short term is to look after those close to him. Our responsibility is to take care of Payne. It’s important for him to have that time. He was a bit unsure about recommencing. He will be back soon enough. He didn’t go to the World Cup so he’s had a big pre-season prior to Christmas and is in great shape.”​


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013

“We’ve got a really strong culture, a culture that cares … it’s a great privilege to play for the Broncos and it comes with great responsibilities too. We’ve done a lot of work in terms of our values and standards. To me, that underpins the culture. We’ve got some really strong and capable leaders. They’re leading the charge with this group."​
“It was important to get the playing group back after a break. They’ve trained really hard and had a well-deserved break. They’re coming back in, there’s a line in the sand and opportunity to build over the next four weeks until the first trial."​
"I don’t have any concerns over the next seven weeks. Kev’s been really clear from the outset of pre-season what’s required of these guys. We’ve got lofty goals and want to see continued progress."​
“Given where we finished last year and the progress we saw across the entire club … if we continue that we will see us achieve something we haven’t been able to for some time. That’s our goal. The guys are clear. Kev’s addressed it and Adam will address it. They’ve got my full support around that. I addressed it early in the pre-season and don’t believe I need to again.”​

“On Walsh and Fifita, having understood and spoken to a number of people around it, we’ve ended up with a Bronco and a Titan in a teacup. We educate young men that if they find themselves in a position they’re not comfortable with to leave. We don’t want to escalate these situations. In this case, Reece did leave. He took a cab home then took a cab back to pick his friend up. That is part of the story that was left out. There isn’t any need to have a further conversation with Reece. He understands the expectations of the club and what we require of him. These guys are well recognised and well known but Reece hasn’t done a whole lot wrong here.”​

“On Payne's mother, it’s important to add context and perspective around it. We’re talking about a horrible, tragic incident that’s seen three lives taken, families and communities devastated. To be really clear, Payne didn’t have any involvement in this. He’s seen his name connected because of obvious reasons. There’s legal proceedings and serious charges that will play out away from the club.​
“Payne’s got a beautiful daughter and partner and also six brothers and sisters that are school-age. Sometimes these guys can be put on a pedestal and seen as paid actors in a soap opera. The reality is they are human, real people with real lives outside these four walls. Payne’s responsibility in the short term is to look after those close to him. Our responsibility is to take care of Payne. It’s important for him to have that time. He was a bit unsure about recommencing. He will be back soon enough. He didn’t go to the World Cup so he’s had a big pre-season prior to Christmas and is in great shape.”​

With great culture comes great responsibility - Uncle Donuts, 2023


International Rep
Jun 5, 2015
Kev’s addressed it and Adam will address it. They’ve got my full support around that. I addressed it early in the pre-season and don’t believe I need to again.”
Well thank **** for that.


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2008
Thinking of our starting side this season, do we all agree this is probably what it is at?

1. Walsh
2. Oates
3. Staggs
4. Farnsworth
5. Cobbo
6. Mam
7. Arey
8. Flegler
9. Walters (50/30 share)
10. Haas
11. Capwell
12. Riki
13. Carrigan

14. Paix
15. Jensen
16. Willison
17. Palasia (signed with Titans 2024)

having lost James and Kennedy, Hetherington is out for a while with a Bicep tear, TC has been stood down and Palasia has signed with the Titans for 2024 does Willison get decent game time? How is he going in preseason training?
I like it with the following changes :

Willison still stuffed post surgery I think so swap him for Piakura, and when he’s right out pops Palasia
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
I see you are convinently forgetting his homophobic abuse of a Broncos fan who just wanted a picture with him, who then got the his head punched in by a couple of Kotoni's mates. Blokes a grub.

You do a lot of assuming .
No convenience . I didn`t know about that .

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