
If its channeled in the right way its not a bad thing if he keeps it on the field. Reece just needs to not make a habit of getting himself into these situations though.
Yeah, I dont mind a bit of chirping but the point is to aggravate the other party whilst maintaining your composure.

Unfortunately, From reported descriptions of the event it sounds like fifita was the more composed of the two.
Yeah, I dont mind a bit of chirping but the point is to aggravate the other party whilst maintaining your composure.

Unfortunately, From reported descriptions of the event it sounds like fifita was the more composed of the two.

I actually dont think we have a truly arrogant player on our books with a bit of an Aura about him. Somebody like a League version of Eric Cantona.
Walsh really shouldn't be frequenting Gold Coast nightclubs. It's Russian Roulette of off field incidents. Needs to get his head straight like Herbie.
Maybe it means hernie gets first crack at
fullback. I know walsh has potential but he needs to be made to understand that these off-field distractions are not going to be tolerated.
He may still be in the box seat but someone needs to put this within a football career perspective for him.
The rest of them need to face it too. If Robati is culpable in any eay id sack him, on the spot.
The law has to be laid down at some stage to these people, or every young player is going to be around potential criminal activity as soon as the cameras are away (and invariably when they are present).
How many years of this have we been through the off-field callamities without break?
Look at other sporting codes and its just embarrassing at this point.
Maybe it means hernie gets first crack at
fullback. I know walsh has potential but he needs to be made to understand that these off-field distractions are not going to be tolerated.
He may still be in the box seat but someone needs to put this within a football career perspective for him.
The rest of them need to face it too. If Robati is culpable in any eay id sack him, on the spot.
The law has to be laid down at some stage to these people, or every young player is going to be around potential criminal activity as soon as the cameras are away (and invariably when they are present).
How many years of this have we been through the off-field callamities without break?
Look at other sporting codes and its just embarrassing at this point.

Problem is, they didnt sack Haas or Kotoni for their situations. Can they justify sacking TC?
Well neither Haas nor Staggs were charged with sexual assault.
Sexual assault isnt anything to make light of, but it can cover a multitude of things so we dont exactly know what Robati has done yet to see if its a sackable offence. While different offences, Haas and Staggs have multiple on their resume. I reckon if they were lower level players we would have made an example of them. Haas especially should have been terminated.
Sexual assault isnt anything to make light of, but it can cover a multitude of things so we dont exactly know what Robati has done yet to see if its a sackable offence. While different offences, Haas and Staggs have multiple on their resume. I reckon if they were lower level players we would have made an example of them. Haas especially should have been terminated.
It’s almost pointless to discuss until we know the details but hypothetically, depending on the severity of the offence the club can absolutely fire a player in this situation despite what happened with Haas and Staggs.

Also take in to account that this wouldn’t be TC’s first offence either.

I can’t remember the dates but I also believe that Donaghy wasn’t at the club when Staggs and Haas did their most significant problematic behaviours.
The club probably could technically move him on, I am sure there's something in everyone's contract about this sort of stuff but usually a club wouldn't, unless it was someone they were looking to get rid of without having to wait for their contract to be up or something like that
It’s almost pointless to discuss until we know the details but hypothetically, depending on the severity of the offence the club can absolutely fire a player in this situation despite what happened with Haas and Staggs.

Also take in to account that this wouldn’t be TC’s first offence either.

I can’t remember the dates but I also believe that Donaghy wasn’t at the club when Staggs and Haas did their most significant problematic behaviours.

I still think Staggs and Haas would have stayed even under Donaghy. Not many teams get rid of even repeat offenders if they are their better players unless its something major. I still believe if Haas was just a bog average forward he would have been disposed of a long time ago with all the things he has done.
Problem is, they didnt sack Haas or Kotoni for their situations. Can they justify sacking TC?
You have a point but at some stage the club has to raise the expectations of behavour of its top 30 players.
I can cut some slack for a first time offender but how often have we had the same names in the media time and again.
I think in this case unless theres footage or witnesses, it will probajbly blow over and he'll keep playing. I would still be putting money aside for a replacement 2nd rower
Maybe it means hernie gets first crack at
fullback. I know walsh has potential but he needs to be made to understand that these off-field distractions are not going to be tolerated.
He may still be in the box seat but someone needs to put this within a football career perspective for him.
The rest of them need to face it too. If Robati is culpable in any eay id sack him, on the spot.
The law has to be laid down at some stage to these people, or every young player is going to be around potential criminal activity as soon as the cameras are away (and invariably when they are present).
How many years of this have we been through the off-field callamities without break?
Look at other sporting codes and its just embarrassing at this point.

Are you the fcking fun police ?
A bit of argie bargie and he`s not selected in the 1st 17 ? I think you`re trippin bro .
Are you the fcking fun police ?
A bit of argie bargie and he`s not selected in the 1st 17 ? I think you`re trippin bro .
And whatever else that got him dropped from the warriors, the preseason drugs fiasco, and everyrhing else he has swept under the rug.
If it was just that, fair enough, but its not.
We need this club to hold everyone to a higher standard or expect our under 20s to see where the bar is set for 1st graders and try and match them (and im not talking about training).


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