Honestly this try from Walters, the lead-up play to this is just something else. It's pure brilliance.
Firstly the run from Flegler and the offload to Billy who was on his right which sucks in defenders from the middle. Billy recognizing the space on the left and gets a quick pass away to Ezra. Ezra having so much room to work with draws the attention of Johnson and Egan, but it's what happens next that's the brilliant part.
Ezra passes the ball ahead of Walsh and it looks like Capewell is getting it which keeps Berry focused on Capewell. The line Walsh is running suggests he's going to run to the outside of Capewell to link up with the outside men. But then at the last second Capewell steps out and when he does that Berry plants his feet expecting him to get the ball, and at the same time Walsh steps in and bursts onto the ball. By the time Berry realizes, it's too late and Egan doesn't have the speed to cover the gap.
It's absolute brilliance.