POST GAME Preliminary Final: Broncos vs Warriors

Just watching the press conference finally. Kev is definitely not done. Just like fielding a second string team in the final round, everything about his coaching was and is based on winning the grand final.

The smartarse remarks to the offloads being one. Did they bring out the offloads to trouble the Warriors, but plan (as he said) to put them away against the Panthers? Was it a plan to test them out, see if they stick, in prep to roll them out again next week? Or are they playing 4D chess, will be using the guise or threat of offloads so Penrith have to release a player in the tackle (or have other defenders move up past the line in order to spoil / prevent them), all of which would get them less numbers in the ruck (or stranded defenders on the next play) in order to counter their smothering defence?

As I alluded to earlier, the Briers tactic of supports would also be a huge factor in preventing them from getting numbers in the tackle, as they can't commit to a single runner. And even just Herbie and Staggs, the former in particular, with his amazing ability to get between defenders and either poke his nose through for a quick PTB, or at the very least drawing in 3 defenders (while not getting dragged back) will be epic.

For mine, Penrith have won the last few years with their suffocating defence. They are allowed to leave early, or never retreat back the 10, because that's what the NRL has deemed acceptable for them (like a NAS tunnel-ball, these are just the things they allow). They hold down longer, they push the player back to thr ground with 2nd or 3rd efforts, and they just frustrate the living **** out of the opposition. And then the moment they have the ball, they get a bullshit yardage penalty. Consequently the opposition makes mistakes, fatigue quickly, and give them field position and opportunities. They are only as successful as they are because they are gifted so many more opportunities than their opposition, and it's been well document they are no more potent (less potent than others in fact) on an opportunity vs points ratio.

Those stats also show that we are afforded much fewer opportunities, but we only 6 points behind the Panthers all year despite this. We don't need the same field position and opportunities. We don't need multiple repeat sets or for the refs to gift us cheap metres. We attack from wherever it is that we have the ball. But if we can somehow also overcome their smothering defence, use our big guys to show them who can dominate the rucks, how we can win the battle of the middle without resorting to cheap shots or niggle, and actually earn ourselves the same number of opportunities that they get handed on a platter, we can not just win this, we can bury them. And I'd say that Kev and the people he has amassed around him already have that side of things sorted.
100% agree. I don't think we win this on defence. Defence will need to be spectacular for sure but as you have pointed out it is our scoring that beats the Riff.
Was good to see Jharal, Lexi and JK at the game with Patty Mills. Jordie didn't waste any time and put this sweet vlog together.

I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that come out of Jamayne's mouth.

Jamayne must be so bitter. A few of the things he's said post leaving makes you say good riddance to him.

I know he went through a tough time with off field stuff but the broncos stood by him waaaaaay longer then people wanted them too yet he still seems bitter.
been on the New Zealand Warriors forum


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I've got to say Herbie is an absolute animal. He's a ball hog but he just loves the hard stuff. I swear every set he took a carry or was just sniffing around. Almost like he got a licence to roam the field. Nrl has him taking 21 hitups!

To me, he's playing like a guy with a win at all costs mentality. Like a guy who acknowledges this may be his only shot a getting a ring and he's not going to let it go. He's got the tackle breaking ability and speed and I'd like to see him take his hit ups off the back of Hass. I'd be going Hass, Herbie then spread it to the other side of the field.
Herbie was soaking it all in at the end of the game. He was off by himself closer to the eastern touch line while the players, family and officials were around western touch line.

No way the dolphins are getting to a prelim in a few years.
Was good to see Jharal, Lexi and JK at the game with Patty Mills. Jordie didn't waste any time and put this sweet vlog together.

I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that come out of Jamayne's mouth.

Bloke at 3:58 picked the score exactly 😵‍💫 not sure if Waratahs was a Freudian slip or an intentional joke tho lol.
I figure if I start saving now I should be sweet to attend our home preliminary final next year lol. It looks like an amazing experience with the pre-game and everything.
Sounds idiotic to me. @Nashy is right, it's part of pukana, but unless Reece comes out and says it's what he's trying to do I would never in a million years think it's what he's trying to do. I'm Māori but I'm not mad enough to think that anyone simply poking their tongue out is trying to appropriate the culture.
Michael Jordan must have been appropriating culture every time he drove the lane back in the ‘80’s/90’s…

I used to do it without knowing when I was in rep high jump. A coach one day pulled me up and warned me I’d likely bite it off on landing if I don’t stop. My son does it when concentrating on Zelda on his switch ffs.
Alex Glenn was the OG kiwi. He might have gone a season too long but his first few years he was a really likeable gun.

Glenn's a weird one, I never really felt a connection to him. Liked him as a player well enough but honestly I sometimes forgot he was from here lol.

I'm trying to cast my mind back and remember who all we've had. I remember being excited that Richard Swain and later Motu Tony had joined us but those obviously didn't pan out lol, and I always felt like picking Brad Thorn and Tonie Carroll was cheating a bit, as much as I liked the players. Gerard Beale was alright and I always really liked Jordan Kahu even tho he spoiled his rep a bit with his late career carry on. I liked Greg Eastwood as well. Got excited reading about the Nikorima brothers coming thru and we know how that went.

Anyway, probably heaps more but we've got Riki now and looking good for the future! Few others in and around the club as well like Arthars, Willison.
Glenn's a weird one, I never really felt a connection to him. Liked him as a player well enough but honestly I sometimes forgot he was from here lol.

I'm trying to cast my mind back and remember who all we've had. I remember being excited that Richard Swain and later Motu Tony had joined us but those obviously didn't pan out lol, and I always felt like picking Brad Thorn and Tonie Carroll was cheating a bit, as much as I liked the players. Gerard Beale was alright and I always really liked Jordan Kahu even tho he spoiled his rep a bit with his late career carry on. I liked Greg Eastwood as well. Got excited reading about the Nikorima brothers coming thru and we know how that went.

Anyway, probably heaps more but we've got Riki now and looking good for the future! Few others in and around the club as well like Arthars, Willison.
Jordan Riki is one of the nicest players I've met. I haven't met that many, but he went over and above for the kids answering all their questions etc. He's definitely one of the good ones.
Michael Jordan must have been appropriating culture every time he drove the lane back in the ‘80’s/90’s…

I used to do it without knowing when I was in rep high jump. A coach one day pulled me up and warned me I’d likely bite it off on landing if I don’t stop. My son does it when concentrating on Zelda on his switch ffs.
Lol. Yeah, but Reece was definitely mocking the kiwis in this instance. I have no issue with it though, was goodshit.
Was good to see Jharal, Lexi and JK at the game with Patty Mills. Jordie didn't waste any time and put this sweet vlog together.

I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that come out of Jamayne's mouth.

Holy shit Guido with the perfect prediction at 3:57. Good job bloke!
Herbie was soaking it all in at the end of the game. He was off by himself closer to the eastern touch line while the players, family and officials were around western touch line.

No way the dolphins are getting to a prelim in a few years.
Feel as though he probably regrets his decision quite abit.
Getting more money's great but these moments with your mates that you've been with since you've come to Australia can't be had at the Dolphins.
Bu-bu-bu-but wahs fans are saying they had all the momentum and were going to come back from 12 points down until the missed forward pass!

The ref definitely robbed them, not the 10,000 offloads and linebreaks from the Broncos
I've been high on Billy Walters lately, but c'mon his transformation has been incredible. First half of the season I didn't think he was playing that well, then he has to deal with all the nepotism criticism.

You can't tell me Harry Grant has played better than this bloke post-origin. He's been awesome since he stopped being so indecisive. Love it

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