Just watching the press conference finally. Kev is definitely not done. Just like fielding a second string team in the final round, everything about his coaching was and is based on winning the grand final.
The smartarse remarks to the offloads being one. Did they bring out the offloads to trouble the Warriors, but plan (as he said) to put them away against the Panthers? Was it a plan to test them out, see if they stick, in prep to roll them out again next week? Or are they playing 4D chess, will be using the guise or threat of offloads so Penrith have to release a player in the tackle (or have other defenders move up past the line in order to spoil / prevent them), all of which would get them less numbers in the ruck (or stranded defenders on the next play) in order to counter their smothering defence?
As I alluded to earlier, the Briers tactic of supports would also be a huge factor in preventing them from getting numbers in the tackle, as they can't commit to a single runner. And even just Herbie and Staggs, the former in particular, with his amazing ability to get between defenders and either poke his nose through for a quick PTB, or at the very least drawing in 3 defenders (while not getting dragged back) will be epic.
For mine, Penrith have won the last few years with their suffocating defence. They are allowed to leave early, or never retreat back the 10, because that's what the NRL has deemed acceptable for them (like a NAS tunnel-ball, these are just the things they allow). They hold down longer, they push the player back to thr ground with 2nd or 3rd efforts, and they just frustrate the living **** out of the opposition. And then the moment they have the ball, they get a bullshit yardage penalty. Consequently the opposition makes mistakes, fatigue quickly, and give them field position and opportunities. They are only as successful as they are because they are gifted so many more opportunities than their opposition, and it's been well document they are no more potent (less potent than others in fact) on an opportunity vs points ratio.
Those stats also show that we are afforded much fewer opportunities, but we only 6 points behind the Panthers all year despite this. We don't need the same field position and opportunities. We don't need multiple repeat sets or for the refs to gift us cheap metres. We attack from wherever it is that we have the ball. But if we can somehow also overcome their smothering defence, use our big guys to show them who can dominate the rucks, how we can win the battle of the middle without resorting to cheap shots or niggle, and actually earn ourselves the same number of opportunities that they get handed on a platter, we can not just win this, we can bury them. And I'd say that Kev and the people he has amassed around him already have that side of things sorted.