Pro Wrestling is Fake.

Like Nashy, I'm not into any fighting sports, and I've found wrestling appalling from its inception, where the fake nature of the show was apparent from the start.
The worst part is that they used to call it a sport, which is of course a fallacy, as the core concept of sport is fair competition.

I have no issues with people enjoying it, and there is certainly a huge market for it.
I do respect the amount of work all the competitors put in, but I can't understand what is entertaining about fake fights between big bad actors. But then again, I also can't understand how or why grown men enjoy Pokemon either... so the problem could be entirely mine!
No, it's not an issue with you. There is something amiss with fans of this rubbish. The only time anyone of them gets hurt is if they mistime their jum
, tumble, kick or pretend punch. I just couldn't lose enough brain cells to watch it for anymore than a few seconds.
It's like Hip Hop music. Sure, it takes a certain skill-set and hard work. But so does having the ability to continuously crack the knuckles on your pinky fingers with no respite between cracks. I haven't managed to sell a single muscle-shirt or branded earphones yet.
Wrestling is shit, but I'd still rate it above Cricket.
No, it's not an issue with you. There is something amiss with fans of this rubbish. The only time anyone of them gets hurt is if they mistime their jum
, tumble, kick or pretend punch. I just couldn't lose enough brain cells to watch it for anymore than a few seconds.
We are all entertained by different things. I think there's something amiss with people who support two teams, or old men expressing their opinions on things they obviously have no idea about. The latter seems to happen a lot on here actually.
We are all entertained by different things. I think there's something amiss with people who support two teams, or old men expressing their opinions on things they obviously have no idea about. The latter seems to happen a lot on here actually.
Yes, I agree. If only we could all simply agree with those opinionated arseholes who think that their 2 years of adulthood is enough to know everything worth knowing. We'd all be so much better off if we all thought the same thing.
Yes, I agree. If only we could all simply agree with those opinionated arseholes who think that their 2 years of adulthood is enough to know everything worth knowing. We'd all be so much better off if we all thought the same thing.
I miss those days tbh. The more you know the more you realize you don't know.
Yes, I agree. If only we could all simply agree with those opinionated arseholes who think that their 2 years of adulthood is enough to know everything worth knowing. We'd all be so much better off if we all thought the same thing.
All I'm seeing is an old dude expecting everyone to listen to his opinion because he's old. Age does not bring knowledge, this whole thread proves that. I'll get off your grass.
All I'm seeing is an old dude expecting everyone to listen to his opinion because he's old. Age does not bring knowledge, this whole thread proves that. I'll get off your grass.
Actually, age does bring knowledge or it sometimes is called wisdom. The older you get, the more you accumulate however ,how much is retained varies. The saying that you can't put an old head on young shoulders is based on the wisdom of the ages. I am in the best position to judge because I've been young, dumb and full of cum and now that time is long passed.

There is a reason why we don't elect 22 year olds for Prime Minister or High Court Judges or any position of's because they know **** all and are convinced they know it all ! Been there, done that
Look guys, I hate Wrestling, but this is a wrestling thread, not a who can insult another member better without actually calling out that member. We get it. Move on.
Comparing to a movie, as others have done, is right. We don't watch the movie because it's real, we watch it because it entertains us.

And in some ways, wrestling offers more than a movie, in that what the wrestlers do isn't done with computers or camera tricks - they actually do it

A couple of years back I think, Shane McMahon V Undertaker......Undertaker is lying prone on a table and McMahon climbs to the top of the cage - around 30 feet high I think - and jumped off the top to land on the Undertaker

Now I know the outcome is pre-determined, but I watched that absolutely amazed that this man made that jump - it was freaking staggering

So for me I don't like the terminology that wrestling is fake because it is much more real than a movie

Who wins the matches is entirely scripted, but if you can find enjoyment in the genuine skill and athleticism, and in the theatre of it all, you should feel free to do so without being judged for it
Comparing to a movie, as others have done, is right. We don't watch the movie because it's real, we watch it because it entertains us.

And in some ways, wrestling offers more than a movie, in that what the wrestlers do isn't done with computers or camera tricks - they actually do it

A couple of years back I think, Shane McMahon V Undertaker......Undertaker is lying prone on a table and McMahon climbs to the top of the cage - around 30 feet high I think - and jumped off the top to land on the Undertaker

Now I know the outcome is pre-determined, but I watched that absolutely amazed that this man made that jump - it was freaking staggering

So for me I don't like the terminology that wrestling is fake because it is much more real than a movie

Who wins the matches is entirely scripted, but if you can find enjoyment in the genuine skill and athleticism, and in the theatre of it all, you should feel free to do so without being judged for it
But we don't watch the same movie over and over and over again, wait, my 3 yo used to do that. seriously though, whatever floats your boat. Personally I don't get the attraction, it just seems like fake,macho,tough guy bullshit.
It isn't the same movie though? There's different characters, different plots.
no it isn't? person x becomes champion. person y becomes champion. different plots, no?
Okay, I get it. So you guys are watching something more like a ballet - kind of like a movie but played out in live action. And it's the dudes in the spandex and tutus.

I can see the appeal.