Queensland Bulls 2016/2017

Bulls 61

Innings and 11 runs defeat.

Harts last man out and a nice guard of honour for him.
5+ wickets for 7 or fewer runs in SS: NBracken (NSW) 7-4 JScuderi (SA) 6-6 BMulder (WA) 5-2 JFaulkner (Tas) 5-5 JPattinson (Vic) 5-7
Another new coach- Dawes? Harris? Maher? Hopes?
Another new coach- Dawes? Harris? Maher? Hopes?

Best to have someone who hasn't been apart of the setup IMO. I thought Jaques had done quite well with a young side. I'm not sure what Hopes has been doing in regards to coaching but I think he's the type of guy that makes a good coach.