Mozer watch- three starting games into the season.
Time on the field is pretty standard Hunt starts him and gets him off at 25 minutes and back on for 30 minutes- last night second stint was only 15. Eggerling comes on and does a good job.
Defence has been strong, can't fault it at all in the middle at the start when guys are fresh was a part question mark, I had going into this year, but he's handled it- 80 tackles and 5 missed tackles.
Attack is taking some time. he's credited with two try assists against Ipswich but I really dispute their validity.
Eggerling one pass off the ruck dives over and Te Kura he turned under to push off Jets and score.
The Hetherington try last night was a kick for a try so I will pay that.
He doesn't run from dummy half a lot- 12 times in three games but for very little impact.
I think combination would help here; last season with Gray, Gray would push up and be level in front of his forwards and Mozer would give him good ball that he'd run and Mozer would be back on the inside. If he can get a combination with the Souths halves that would help.
Kicking has started to take shape, two good kicks against the Hunters one to space from dummy half and one into the in goal, then a try last night.
Early but I'd say a C at the moment.