The Storm players shouldn't have been punished at all, and certainly not by the NRL. They are adults, subject to the law the same as us. They are guilty of being morons, allowing themselves to be filmed committing a crime. However, they are not guilty of any crime, or at least not one that can be proven. In the eyes of the law, they did nothing wrong.
This differs from Payne Haas, Anthony Milford, TC Robati and Reece Walsh who were arrested and charged. Dealt with by the police and courts, the way the real world works. That should be enough.
Getting histrionic about what players do on their holidays is a kangaroo court and miscarriage of justice. The players union should stand up to this shit. It's none of their employer's business.
As for being sent to "rehab" what a fucking joke. This is the height of PR window dressing. These players don't need "rehab" for drugs. They're blowing off steam in the off season. If they have a genuine drug problem it will get flagged during the season proper, and the appropriate measures taken.