If V'Landys can change the rules of the game, ie; 6 again, because he believes it's in the best interest of the game, this should be a no brainer. It is in the long term interest of the player, club, game, and fan. I have never heard of an apprentice electrician taking their employer to court over restraint of trade. If the player, the clubs, and their parents were smart about it, they would accept a 3 year period of development where money didn't decide. Being a marque signing in your 2nd year doesn't bode well. Big money, big expectations. They are teenagers in truth, and most likely not emotionally mature enough, wise to the ways of the world, to know what is in their best long term interests. Even Jack Bird said the money was a milestone. Wonder what Ash Taylor would say if he was honest about it. What about Milford? An apprentice system promotes mental health, expectation management, salary cap stability, etc. The benefits far exceed any drawbacks that i can think of.