Rooster V Tigers *spoilers*

Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

Farrar with his trade mark dummy half dive and comes up SMASHED.

12-0 half time.

Pussies need to go to the shed and lick there wounds, while the ***** can stand proud.
Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

Also listening to the call on Triple M - funniest thing is listening to Gus Gould trying to claim that the Roosters are not his team hahahahaha
Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

Mason should be running at Matty Head.

By that I mean: Has big Willie had Head yet?
Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*


peace off jack gibbs on
Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

Guess what....they dropped the ball again, 10 from there own line....
Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

If Benji Marsh isthe one of the best the Kiwis have got then there gunna be !@#$ed for years to come, hes lost it, hes showing me nothing to say he was the player he once was...shame really.
Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

Farrar goes over from dummy half but has to run 10mters
Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

hahaha beautiful he palmed the biggest **** of them all Willie and carried Daddys boy over the line, sweeeeet.

Kick good.

Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

Yeah... here we go boys, comeback time!
Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

Aeetee said:
hes lost it, hes showing me nothing to say he was the player he once was...shame really.

15 thousand shoulder re-constructions will do that to you
Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

Turn it up, your over exaggerating a bit don't you think.....14 thousand :mrgreen:
Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

Sheens is going ape:

Wrap scrum and kick now!!!!!!
Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

hahahahaha they did the wrap scrum and kick and Marshall fucked it and the Roosters ran the length of the field hahahahahaha Benji's gunna get his arse kicked and dropped.
Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

Incidently, what is a spolier? [icon_lol1.
Re: Rooster V Tigers *spoliers*

I think you would be a good commentater Aeetee.