Rooster V Tigers *spoilers*


You can hear the rain on the telly, and my screen is grey, hard to see....

And in all that Farrar kicks a 40/20.
Oh now the H-man is hurt and upset too. Haven't heard much from you tonight.

I'll reiterate - you guys are doing it for the team, pity Midge doesn't consider it as high a priority :)
Flutterby said:
Luckily they are easily repaired

awwww hahahaha thats harsh. [icon_razz1

And Marshall drops it on the attack...again.
Flutterby said:
Oh now the H-man is hurt and upset too. Haven't heard much from you tonight.

I'll reiterate - you guys are doing it for the team, pity Midge doesn't consider it as high a priority :)
That's better, I like you again.
Man how much fun would it be to play footy in that much rain...hope it rains on Sunday
Don't try and be the black widow, bitch! Splitting up a very sexy threesome here! :P
You're such a Yoko Ono!
Hitman said:
Flutterby said:
Oh now the H-man is hurt and upset too. Haven't heard much from you tonight.

I'll reiterate - you guys are doing it for the team, pity Midge doesn't consider it as high a priority :)
That's better, I like you again.

At least someone does. icon_thumbs_u

And Coxy, WTF??!!! I"m not trying to split up anyone - Midge dumped them and for that HE should be punished. Tee shouldn't take it out on me - I haven't dumped him.
Pffft. How do I know you don't have Midge locked up in your closet?
And Pearce for some reason kicks a field goal, glory whore.

Seriously what was the point.


Game over man GAME !@#$ING OVER
Ah bugger, another sh*t tipping round for me.

Thanks again Tee, Coxy, Flutterby. It's been funny and entertaining.
We were robbed of a grandstand finish in that game. Should've been 18-16 with less than 10min left but what are ya gonna do??
Take your word that you do have Midge locked up orrrr that he should just believe that you think that i am the greatest Forum game caller er ever [icon_razz1
Flutterby said:
You should take my word for it - you are supposed to be my friend.

My only friend is Fatboy! You know that!
Whoaaa ...whats with this fatboy call....who you talking about huh? (please don't be me)

And thank you Ms Flutterby, you rock my world. :mrgreen: