Hunts kicking is suffering from our lack of go forward. He gets sacked after every kick.That is an interesting point. Less pressure = more time to think. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Hunt seems to lack confidence when pressured to kick and loses composure to consider options, unlike his play making with ball in hand. More practice and more coaching to add variety to his kicking game perhaps. I am sure he has the skills. He just needs to use them.
However for mine, having Macca assume a much greater role in kicking, especially regular kicking from dummy half, as well as with Milford kicking more, being there so to speak for Hunt, would add immeasurably to our attacking prowess.
Bit tough on Milford rnabokov, do you realize how big Morgan is? 6'1 and 95 kg I think.
My info is they are the same weight but Morgan is 9 cms taller. I suppose the extra height might make it harder to stop him - he can crawl faster
My info is they are the same weight but Morgan is 9 cms taller. I suppose the extra height might make it harder to stop him - he can crawl faster
I honestly can not believe that morgan is 9 cms taller than milf yet the same weight, that is very very hard to believe