That's easily explainable. It's Milford looking out for Milford. He has long since accepted his time at Brisbane is ending one way or another, so as soon as he realized the team was staring down the barrel of a 50+ point loss in front of the home crowd with him in the starting halves, he quickly caught on that the optics of that really aren't good for his next contract, which is when he decided to even half wake up and try and do something. That to me says a lot about his attitude. He just isn't a team player. He comes across to me as way too invested in his own image rather than the image of the team he is playing in. When he's not being straight up lazy, he's pulling his finger out (to seemingly minimal effect) because suddenly he's worried that the situation his team finds itself in doesn't reflect well on him personally.
I've really begun to call Milford's raw character into question in recent times. He comes across to me as a Jarryd Hayne type personality but with no Dally M's to point at and say "See, I AM a great player". Milford looks in the mirror every morning and sees a superstar regardless of what others might think or what the results might say, and his teammates can see that. Doesn't anyone else find it strange how the team as a whole begins to turn their form around when Milford is dropped, only to fall into a pit again a couple of weeks after he is brought back?
Nobody will be surprised to hear I am an unapologetically one eyed Broncos supporter, but I really do pity whichever team Milford ends up going to in 2022. If he isn't the root cause of this teams horrendous attitude issues, he is definitely not far removed from it. Only a few days ago I said that the idea of Milford partnering Reynolds in the halves sounded a lot more interesting than experimenting with Staggs at 6. It didn't take much for that point of view to do a 180 straight back into "See ya, Milf!" territory. I've accused him of Dave Taylor syndrome in the past, but if anything he is worse than Dave Taylor. He is a lazy, dispassionate and a sickeningly apathetic failure of a player, and the sooner this club is free of him the better.