POST GAME [Round 11, 2022] Broncos vs Knights




01 Jan 1970

Match Stats

/ Field Goals /
/ 2P Field Goals /
Try Assists
% Possession %
/ Set Completion /
Time in Opposition Half
Metres Gained
Dummy Half Runs
/ Kicks/Kick Metres /
1 on 1 Steals
Line Breaks
Line Break Assists
Support Play
/ Set Completion /
Penalties (Conceded)
Set Restarts

Player Stats

Volvo Driver

Volvo Driver

QCup Player
Jul 9, 2020
I thought the same but I haven't really paid much attention to how Herbie celebrates before he was a chance of leaving so I think it's a case of finding something to answer if he's leaving or not. Even in interviews he comes across as hard to get a real read on him, which may just be what he's like as a person abit of a introvert type . He is a hardcore gamer and that used to train by himself.
With the team song I thought a few guys looked to be missing maybe they were behind where it was filmed.
It was an intercept at full-time after the game was well and truly won. Don't think that needs some sort of try celebration. People reading way too much into it.
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
Credit to Kev for not folding at half time and pulling the swap of Walters for Mam. That first half was pretty ordinary from him - and really, it’s not that surprising given how nervous he would have been. I know I was thinking it had to be done, but to allow him to settle down a bit and finish out the game will have done wonders for his ongoing development as opposed to making him feel unworthy of being in that jersey.

I noticed in the sheds during the team song .
Selwyn and Ezra with Patty , Capewell and Oates . Looked good ,the leaders making the youngsters feel like they are part of the team .


QCup Player
Feb 7, 2012
Bunker was just equalising the BS that was going on, on the field. If the Knights weren't being grubs etc all game I'd be like, yeah nah that was a rort call, but screw 'em.


NRL Player
Jul 3, 2021
I think Herbie might be a little uncomplicated, so to speak. That's the impression I get from interviews. He's definitely making a big attempt not to be a hog now, but he's still not the best at figuring out how to go about it. I'm starting to think his hog tendency wasn't selfishness, but like you say, introversion.

I hope we can keep him now, and hone his team mate awareness. The effort is there.
He's definitely been alot better with his passing the last 2 weeks seems to be more aware of Oates outside of him and he's picked some times to pass nicely and that should only get better, he's a player that continues to improve.

I hope he stays some of his efforts like the chase on Pongas try, making the effort on chasing and helping hold DCE up last week tells me he's playing for the jersey.
I think if money's not what he's chasing he'd be best to stay here.
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
Well that 5/5 gets a 10outa10 for me. I saw a potential weakness with our defence through the middle last week and Ponga exploited that last night . Overall all areas of our game has improved massively, albeit some dumb passes , but still committed defense, as well now as a dangerous backline. That big loping stride of Cobbo when it winds up is a joy to watch. He's also got a great step and what looks like great game awareness. I thought Gamble is proving his worth as well , and can't wait to see Arey back as our pivot and just awesome we have a back up kicker in Staggs. I'm just loving where we are now on the ladder. Lets Go Broncos and oh yeah.. you can suck on that Milford.

The weakness was Keenan Palasia running back through the middle of the ruck !
He will get his arse kicked at training for being lazy this week .

Got left on the ground at the tackle . So was off side . Then got up and ran past the markers straight through the ruck . Left the hole for Ponga to slice through .
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
I really liked that.

They were all over us in the first 20, we couldn't get into the game but they backed their defence and hung in there then took opportunities when they came. You will never be at your best every week but the good sides find a way to win even when they aren't playing well.

Gamble is no superstar but he stood up and did what he had too. I just think accross the board from 1-17 everyone is contributing.

We are getting to that stage now where winning is a bit of a habit. They have the taste of it and have figured out that if we stick to our structures and back our defence we'll come out on top.

I also LOVE that we aren't so reliant on Hass. Our forwards minutes are nicely spread and because they are all preforming we haven't been having those fade out periods in the game.

Just get that fcking fwd pass out of his game and he is more than serviceable .
I reckon Reyno would be proud of him last night . Interesting TMM took on a lot more ball playing in the 2nd half .
I criticised Gamble hard a few weeks back . Proved me wrong ...


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Well that 5/5 gets a 10outa10 for me. I saw a potential weakness with our defence through the middle last week and Ponga exploited that last night . Overall all areas of our game has improved massively, albeit some dumb passes , but still committed defense, as well now as a dangerous backline. That big loping stride of Cobbo when it winds up is a joy to watch. He's also got a great step and what looks like great game awareness. I thought Gamble is proving his worth as well , and can't wait to see Arey back as our pivot and just awesome we have a back up kicker in Staggs. I'm just loving where we are now on the ladder. Lets Go Broncos and oh yeah.. you can suck on that Milford.
Ponga was a threat every time he got the ball. They need him in the halves. Given they can't see that, it'll probably take them the entire season to see Milford is a less than zero sum game.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Just get that fcking fwd pass out of his game and he is more than serviceable .
I reckon Reyno would be proud of him last night . Interesting TMM took on a lot more ball playing in the 2nd half .
I criticised Gamble hard a few weeks back . Proved me wrong ...
Gamble is our bush mechanic.

Your car breaks down. The garage says it will cost $5k to fix. Tyson says he'll do it for free if you set him up with your sister. You agree, and it gets you home.


State of Origin Rep
Jul 28, 2008
We have done so well to grab Reynolds, he is a great leader.

Just something I picked up on Golden Point on 9. Before the game it had footage of him and Ezra walking back to the sheds (I think) and Reynolds is clearly having a good talk to him, calming him down and then he puts his arm around him on his shoulder.

Post game in the dressing room, there is again with Ezra deep in conversation having what appeared to be a bit of a de-brief with him. He is a gun.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
We have done so well to grab Reynolds, he is a great leader.

Just something I picked up on Golden Point on 9. Before the game it had footage of him and Ezra walking back to the sheds (I think) and Reynolds is clearly having a good talk to him, calming him down and then he puts his arm around him on his shoulder.

Post game in the dressing room, there is again with Ezra deep in conversation having what appeared to be a bit of a de-brief with him. He is a gun.
He lied to us this week. He said Tyson was getting his hair cut.

At least it's starting to grow back into a bog standard mullet.


NRL Captain
Mar 9, 2018
If Reyno was there last night we would have put 50+ on them and there's a chance they could have been kept scoreless. We missed him a fair bit last night (as expected) but to still got the W and we keep this streak going. That's the main thing.

Titans will be a tough one next week. We know form doesn't mean a whole heap when we play the Titans, they love coming up against 'big brother'. Hopefully Reyno is fit and firing but, the temptation will be there from Kev to give him the 3wks off (last night, next week & the bye). It could be the right decision come the back end of the season but I just want us to keep winning.

5 on the trot, I honestly can't remember the feeling.
The forwards and the backs are just immense at the moment.
Special mention to Gamble for last nights efforts, he handled the responsibility and stood up. He loved the boo's from the crowd too and he got the last laugh. I thought Ezra had some good touches and didn't look out of place. Sure he made a couple of mistakes but he certainly didn't put his head down. Playing alongside Reyno with his experience will be exciting to see but, there is no way you can take Gamble out of the halves now (unless we have a massive form slump..)
We are a noticeably different team when Paix comes into 9 and he's getting better every week.
Fleggs has really focused in on his technique, whilst maintaining good impact and meters. Haas & Carrigan need no mention because they're just so good every week. Jensen has also been very good and I absolutely love what Hetherington brings to this side. He is a gun.
Oates has turned back the clock, and I hope he repays the club by taking a bit of a cut to stay. His form the last few years has been down whilst on decent money but there will be a long list of clubs wanting his services.

One thing I noticed being on the sideline for last nights game was the combination on field between Gamble, Staggs and Cobbo. Gamble was screaming at the forwards and dummy half every time he wanted to kick. He'd point at Staggs and every time Staggs would yell across to Cobbo and nod, telling him we are on here. Literally every time Gamble kicked to the Cobbo's side.
Staggs deserves a fair bit of credit. His communication with Cobbo is certainly developing and Cobbo is very much depending on Staggs to tell him what is coming.
Its great to see.

And on Cobbo, this kid is something else.
He is so raw, but natural talent wise, I'm not sure there are many that compare. I don't like the comparisons to Inglis & Mitchell because I think he is different again to these guys.
He could legit be anything he wants to be. We cannot lose him and as much as I love Herbie, I think we should be making sure we tie up Cobbo long term first. Obviously I hope we keep both but what Cobbo has showed is something I don't think we've seen in the outside backs for 20+yrs (at the Broncos).

In short, there are no longer any plodders in this side.
It's just so good to see.


QCup Player
Mar 10, 2008
Since I posted this prior to round 7 we've gone on to hit 30+ 4 times in the 5 games since lol. Really appreciate that from the boys.


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