PRE-GAME [Round 15, 2022] Broncos vs Storm

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It depends on the Flu, I have had ones that lasted about 4 days before I felt unaffected, and then one I got 2 years ago took me out for 2 and half weeks.
The entire article is about the flu. I can message it to you if you like? You should expand your reading past the courier mail mate
It's a dumb conversation. Everyone here is trying to tell you the flu that's going around knocks you on your arse. We don't know if he has it. I don't need to read some confirmation bias you dug up.
It depends on the Flu, I have had ones that lasted about 4 days before I felt unaffected, and then one I got 2 years ago took me out for 2 and half weeks.
Completely agree. But Dr McHunt has said that he is GUARANTEED to not play if he has any flu virus whatsoever. Strange, given the nrl is played in winter months and around 20-30% of the population gets it during the winter months you'd think there'd LITERALLY BE DOZENS of players not playing watch week hahahaa deadset
Completely agree. But Dr McHunt has said that he is GUARANTEED to not play if he has any flu virus whatsoever. Strange, given the nrl is played in winter months and around 20-30% of the population gets it during the winter months you'd think there'd LITERALLY BE DOZENS of players not playing watch week hahahaa deadset
The flu that's currently going around is a strain of Influenza A that's putting more in hospital than Covid. It's the worst start to a flu season possibly ever. Influenza B is milder than Influenza A. They're both called "the flu." When a team goes down with "the flu" it's nearly always "a cold." @Midean

It's a dumb conversation. Everyone here is trying to tell you the flu that's going around knocks you on your arse. We don't know if he has it. I don't need to read some confirmation bias you dug up.
Correct me if I'm wrong here but don't you fan boy Peter badel and you think you're in a position to confirm/deny confirmation bias?

You're right though, stupid conversation. Thanks for bringing it up. Those 1-2 players a year that miss footy in the winter months has really proven you're right! I should have realised
The flu that's currently going around is a strain of Influenza A that's putting more in hospital than Covid. It's the worst start to a flu season possibly ever. Influenza B is milder than Influenza A. They're both called "the flu." When a team goes down with "the flu" it's nearly always "a cold." @Midean

In your reply to me can you please highlight where you specified the strain of flu? Ffs, talk about backtracking once you've lost an argument lol
If Ezra has the literal flu, I can't see him playing this week. Everyone I know who's had it (influenza A) has been knocked around physically for weeks. Second opinions @Kimlo @Nashy

I hope we're not down to Roberts.
I've still got a cough as a lingering symptom but physically/energy wise 100% fine from day 5 for me.

He is an elite athlete though, so his recovery might be much shorter. Or not, seems to just be pure luck with these things how people recover.
In your reply to me can you please highlight where you specified the strain of flu? Ffs, talk about backtracking once you've lost an argument lol
We don't know if he has "the flu." We only know if he has "the flu" that's currently overloading hospitals it would put him out of Friday's game. That's all there is to say about it. No need to be obnoxious.
I've still got a cough as a lingering symptom but physically/energy wise 100% fine from day 5 for me.

He is an elite athlete though, so his recovery might be much shorter. Or not, seems to just be pure luck with these things how people recover.
Well also you're infectious for around 5 days from start of symptoms, so if he started feeling crook yesterday they wouldn't want him giving it to the rest of the team. Given he played on Saturday, there's no way he would have a diagnosis on whatever he has. It could be Covid or a cold. Saying it's the flu would be a guess. If he has a fever, then it's not a cold. That's about the extent of it.
Also, it's worth noting Ezra is pending an HIA. If he has developed a splitting headache following concussion that's not good either.
I think Turpin reduced to 30-40mins is different to the Turpin that plays 80mins. Should be more explosive then last time he was in the side.
Turp can never be explosive. He is exactly like Macca but worse. Watch him after 20min and see how gassed he looks
That wouldn't be clever. All we have is a second hand rumour from a single journalist he's off with "the flu." For all we know he might be sleeping off a hangover. We also don't know whether he's passed his HIA from Saturday night. If he genuinely has "the flu" he won't be playing. I would like to hear that confirmed from the club.

You won't bet. You're way scared.
No he is not exactly like Macca or worse.
I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that the current flu shot is very effective against the strain getting around at the moment. Surely, these blokes have all had that jab as well as the you-know-what…
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