Coxy said:
It was less forward than Issac Luke's pass in field for Merritt's try last night... And nobody even mentioned it ;-)
IMO reed threw it flat out of the hands. Not forward.
/maroon and gold coloured glasses
people dont seem to realise that the ball hit the dragons players elbow after reed had thrown it about 10cm. the pass was line ball at worst, and then deflected off the dragons player and went forward.
was a great game, very impressed. i must say, Wallace has impressed me a LOT these last 2 games. if he keeps playing like this and improving, he just might change my opinion of him being able to lead our team next year.
Reed was outstanding, Hala is looking like a very good player, and im loving yow yeh with his pinball machine runs lol.
not liking the refs though. how they can call that a knock-on by yow yeh is beyond me. whatd it go, about 3/4 of a metre backwards?
and now melbourne are on top of the ladder, with manly hopefully to jump up there with them. hopefully thats the last that saints see of the number 1 spot. and boy oh boy, bellamy has done a great job with this melbourne team. watching them play yesterday, its like they havent lost a single player from their great over-the-cap teams, yet you look at the names and apart from slater, smith and cronk theyre all nuffies. absolutely incredible.
Big Pete said:
Last night, Jack Reed jumped up for a bomb, hit it backwards off his own hands and then forward off his head. Is this still a knock on despite the hands knocking it backwards?
i was also wondering how not only the refs, but the COMMENTATORS got that wrong as well?!
it doesnt matter if it goes 3m forwards off your hands IF you touch it with another part of your body before it hits the ground. now in this case, not only did it not even go forwards, it clearly went backwards, but the last touch was with his head - meaning its play on. the commentators watching in slow motion go 'ok so it hits his hands, then his head, and goes forwards - thats a knock-on', you morons, thats not a knock-on lol.
although if yow yehs was a knock-on i guess anything could be lol.