PRE-GAME [Round 18, 2024] Broncos vs Panthers

Broncos vs Panthers


Kickoff In:

Suncorp Stadium



Team Lists



QCup Player
May 11, 2023
Yeah baby! I’m on the goodfeel train, destination 2 points!

On paper, form and history, we should be losing this one by some margin.

Anything’s possible if our boys step up, win their individual battles and stop dropping the bloody ball.

We can and will win this one based on nothing but that weird feeling I have in my bowels…..

Broncos by 10
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
We won't win the middle. Their back 5 will get their sets started with 15 meter runs each and fish/leota will only need to touch the ball once every second set.

The game will be won through the middle and in the halves, they've got us covered easily.
pessimism /pĕs′ə-mĭz″əm/


  1. A tendency to stress the negative or unfavorable or to take the gloomiest possible view.
  2. The doctrine or belief that this is the worst of all possible worlds and that all things ultimately tend toward evil.
  3. The doctrine or belief that the evil in the world outweighs the good.


NRL Player
Jan 15, 2017
The situation Brisbane are currently in generally isn't turned around easily.

We've got individuals out of form and as a team we are out of form and low on confidence. At some stage someone needs to step up and lead from the front or this season will just dwindle off into the books as another failure.

There's too much quality in our team to be playing as bad as we are. You'd be suprised what could happen if we get a few 50/50 calls go our way and a good bounce of the ball, this team with a touch of confidence can play good footy.

If we continue to be poorly diciplined tonight we'll die a slow painfull death likely to a 44-10 type scoreline. I'd like to see us try and put the ball over the sideline as much as possible at the end of our sets. At least have a set defensive line for the meter eating back 3 of the Panthers and save some of the meters we've been bleeding.

I'm optimistic about our chances, key players should be fresh and hungry and the whole side will know Penrith will put 60 on us if we don't turn up plus we sre now outside the 8 so that safety net has disappeared so i think we'll have our minds on the job.

Curious to see how Hetherington goes in the back row, he's built like a backrower with good leg speed and can hit a hole and generally good in defence, I'd love to see him kill it.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
I just want to see fucking effort.

If we lose, we lose. I can forgive a loss if they at least tried their guts out to win and the other side were just simply better. What I can't forgive is a complete lack of effort.

All 4 of our past games were very winnable if we put the effort in.

What are you talking about?

The effort was there last week, it should have been 30-0 at half time to them.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
What are you talking about?

The effort was there last week, it should have been 30-0 at half time to them.
Yes, if effort is the issue, then that reflects poorly on Kevvie who - if you are to take him literally - says he's happy with the effort, they just have to get a few things right.

I'm not sure I can single out anyone for lack of effort. Maybe Selwyn, but we have been subsequently given an explanation for that.

The issue is the team hasn't been clicking. If I were to blame a single player it would have to be Jock Madden, I guess. But it's rarely as simple as one player when a team is this dysfunctional. Replacing one player might improve the team incrementally, but not transform it.

When the entire team is failing to catch and pass at an NRL standard, you have to blame the coach. So when the coach is saying they have to get a few things right, catching and passing would be two of those things.


NRL Player
May 1, 2016
The best teams in the comp are the ones that cheat the most on the field... there's no point having your head in the sand trying to be saints on the field when the officiating doesnt reward that style of play and havent for a loooong fucking time now.

Good teams know when they've lost the ruck and concede a blatant penalty to reset their line rather than concede a quick ptb... Broncos seem to double down by somehow conceding a six again whilst also conceding a quick ptb.

Teams know when their defence is shot on their goal line and shoot out offside to stop a try, because you may or may not be penalised by the ref so that's always better than conceding a try.

1000% this. If you're giving away 6 agains, and penalties when you actually NEED them, then you're less likely to be victim off the "square up" too.


NYC Player
Sep 3, 2022
The optimism in this thread is going to last about 10 minutes into the game when they get to everyone of their kicks and we're getting dad dicked in our own half
You can't deny, it will be a nice 10 minutes


NRL Player
May 22, 2022
pessimism /pĕs′ə-mĭz″əm/


  1. A tendency to stress the negative or unfavorable or to take the gloomiest possible view.
  2. The doctrine or belief that this is the worst of all possible worlds and that all things ultimately tend toward evil.
  3. The doctrine or belief that the evil in the world outweighs the good.
Just managing my expectations lol. But yes I am a pessimist!!


QCup Player
May 25, 2021
Hopefully the Riff boys are in mourning for their eshay colleague Taylan YAM and put in a trash performance.

So unlikely. But I must cling on to all hope haha


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