Deardon went better in defence last night, but his attacking options were fairly limited. Made all the more arduous with poor Gamble going down like a sack of spuds on the first tackle. Oi David Middleton! - have the Broncos ever suffered so many infamous firsts in one year? I doubt it. The only thing we haven't done I think is get pinged for having too many players on the field. We've got too few players covered though.
A small tip for Deardon (and the others). When Tommy rushed over to tackle Fergo for his first try he lunged at his torso in the vain hope of pushing him out. Someone needs to get it into our guys heads that in situations where a player launches themselves at the in goal area with ball in outstretched hand/s then you need to go for the players arms or hands. 100% of a players body can be in the air and out but they still manage to get the ball down in play. So the only area of certainty that you know will remain in the field of play is the ball So ATTACK THAT. If you need any proof to support my argument look at how the Titans saved two tries last week against us.
Joe and David last night really gave us an exhibition on how to play comfortable footy didn't they. Can we change Joe's name to Ofulhengaue? He really has been found out these last few games when he's had no one else to hide behind. Two years ago he was playing some wonderful footy. I wonder where that fella went? For those of you who may be still reading up to this point - I once read that Ofahengaue actually means the one who often fronts up, or often has a go. Sadly, he's letting the family name down at present.
Bullemor's break was a rare highlight but from the way he's been talked up as being the fastest forward we've got I was expecting him to run the length of the field and score. Not realistic I know, but it shows the extent of the hype surrounding our players. Darb's perfectly weighted kick in behind the defensive line for Herbie's try was also nice to watch, but too little to late. Herbie though keeps impressing and his carries out of our 20m are getting stronger week by week his ball security has also improved out of sight. Perhaps FB may be his calling next year.
Oates needs to be rested and made to work on his ball catching ability. I was serious last week when I suggested sending him over to the Lions for a week. If nothing else he'll get to become familiar with that winning vibe again while he learns proper catching technique.
Coates is becoming a minor concern for me too. He's being thrown in at key moments in games and it's a position he's not used to handling. We need to be careful or we could damage is confidence too. At least we're not making him play too many minutes. And why are we not bombing to him close to the opposition's line? He's a natural in the air.
Lexie is still underdone and totally ineffectual when hitting the ball up, very uninspiring. So much so that I noted Rabs Warren was still calling Patty Carrigan the captain last night. And so he should be. Pat's work rate again had him top out the most hard working player of the night, which of course would have sent Gould, Fittler and Johns into raptures if it was a parra player but because he was a Bronco it barely rated a mention. About par for the course from ch9. I waited and waited to hear how young Gamble was when he went off but they never bothered to find out. Spacecadet Fittler did inform us that Fifita had sprained his ankle but not a peep about Tyson.
Finally, there has been meagre pickings to serve as highlights this year so as it draws to a close I'm more happy than sad to see the back of this footy season. One thing I won't miss is the arch canetoad being given free reign to wax lyrical at the opening of our games. The way he praised Parra in that opening was vomit inducing and the way he spoke with clear certainty that "tonight is when Parra gets their title chase back on track" was a sad indictment of how high the levels of hubris and bias have reached in the TV coverage on ch 9.
As a footnote, I hope Fifita's sore ankle means he loses the privilege of pulling on the mighty Broncos jersey one last time. Out with the old and - in with the new. Let Riki start the game with his bestie, Pat Carrigan as a reward to them both for showing true enthusiasm while representing this club.