From the outset, settle the **** down gents. Stop bitching about this player or that player. It’s a team game and regardless of all the points I intent to make below, we were not good enough to control our own destiny.
I’m 41 and have been highly invested in my team since ‘88. In the NSWRL era you knew you were going to get screwed. The important aspect was that the “opposition” knew they were ploughing ring. Today it’s like they deny any variation of interpretation, favouritism or whatever you want to call it. For the first time in a long time, I watched the game alcohol free. Not the norm but I feel I’m reasonably capable of noticing trends even with a bit of piss in me. More so sober and with recent events, I’m getting more attuned to the vagrancy of the NRL. Tonight’s game was a perfect example. The time allowed for slowing the ruck was all over the place. Certainly not to our favour at exactly the wrong times, or so it seemed to me. Such a sense of “keep it close”. And the no try to Milford but we’ll give you a penalty? Not a hint of WTF from Ch9. Surprising? It’s really, really frustrating but I know my team, YOUR team will overcome this adversity but **** me, it’s painful.