Round 23 - Broncos vs. Eels - Post Match Discussion



State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
It hurts seeing Hayne play for Parra. Imagine how good he would be in a half decent side. Would be equal to Inglis IMO.

Mentioning Hayne & Inglis in the same sentence should be an automatic jail sentence.

I don't think I have seen Inglis blame a fellow team mate if he stuffs up. Hayne does it all the time. (his pass to the sideline was his fault, yet it seemed he was blaming his winger for not catching it)

He also gets 'injured' if his team is going to lose.


NRL Player
Apr 23, 2013
How good was Hoffman! Apart from that dropped bomb he was on fire, saving tries, intercepting passes, kicking, passing...he was almost playing like someone who's going to have some competition for the number 1 jersey next year.

Overall that was a shit game though, if it was any other team we definitely lose. Hunt had a shocker but after the shite that Wallace has dished up all year I feel he's allowed to, I predict he'll step up again next week.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Hunt looked buggered. He has a shocker no doubt. Looks unfit for mine. Has played so many 20 minute matches that it has to affect you. Hoffman was outstanding. Forward pack was good but our defence was ordinary for the most part. Kahu was good out on the wing.


NRL Player
Apr 23, 2013
You can tell a game is all but over when the commentators start making Zoidberg noises...


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Made it very hard to enjoy it, especially the second half.

What mades it hard to enjoy is when Channel 9 goes to an ad break & we come back to the game & have missed the scrum & the first tackle.

I tape the games & take the ads out & normally the game goes for about 1 hour 30 mins, tonight it was just under 1 hour 22 mins.

Buzz Killington

NYC Player
Jul 6, 2013
Kudos to those who have mentioned Griffin's use of the bench. He deadset just doesn't understand he has 10 changes in 80 minutes and that playing Thaiday, Gillett, Glenn, Parker, McGuire and Hannant all for over 60 minutes may not be in the teams best interest. Thaiday plays better with rests (ie. in Origin) as does Gillett and Tasi, Lui, Dodds, Anderson, Wallace, Hala between them have enough to take a bit of the time off Hannant and McGuire. Absolutely terrible coaching.


QCup Player
Aug 24, 2012
Mentioning Hayne & Inglis in the same sentence should be an automatic jail sentence.

I don't think I have seen Inglis blame a fellow team mate if he stuffs up. Hayne does it all the time. (his pass to the sideline was his fault, yet it seemed he was blaming his winger for not catching it)

He also gets 'injured' if his team is going to lose.

So you are saying Hayne and Inglis are far apart in terms of ability? That is absurd IMO. Hayne would carve up behind that Souths pack.

I don't think his temperament has anything to do with his playing ability either. Players get frustrated, so what. Sounds like you rate him lower because he is a bit of a wanker.


NRL Player
Apr 23, 2013
I thought Wally was doing the 3 Stooges noises.

He was but the 3 stooges were a bit before my time and I'm a big fan of Futurama so I went with that :)


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
Solid win Parra never looked like they were going to win at any time and we always looked like we were in control and never loosened our grip on the contest. Hoffman was sensational tonight saving tries and making great meters on the kick returns and Reed is regaining form which is good to see.

As posted before it's so unfortunate for Jarryd Hayne that he plays in an average team I would love to see him play for a finals quality side, just put him in a good side and he would be a match winner every week.


QCup Player
Feb 20, 2013
No, rate him lower because I think he is over-rated.

Though him being a wanker, may now be added.

He is streets ahead of anything that we have and blew past Kahu whilst jogging on the spot.Tremendous player, wish we had him.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
So you are saying Hayne and Inglis are far apart in terms of ability? That is absurd IMO. Hayne would carve up behind that Souths pack.

I don't think his temperament has anything to do with his playing ability either. Players get frustrated, so what. Sounds like you rate him lower because he is a bit of a wanker.

Yeah, Hayne is a bit like Michael Jordan playing with a team full of Leprechauns. I think his mistakes would go away if he played for a better side where they didn't rely on him to do everything.


NRL Player
Feb 16, 2013
I think Hook hooked Hunt towards the end and put Wallace on. If he starts Wallace next week at Halfback I will lose my shit.
Hunt was injured
At first I thought he copped one in the jatz crackers but after I thought he may be holding his lower abdomen
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International Rep
Forum Staff
Sep 28, 2012
I noticed he got hammered after passing the ball to Kahu who just missed his try in the corner early on. Wasn't too well after that. He can have a few (though preferably not). Wallace had the first 16 games to do nothing in. And on that note, can we stop pulling Macca off at the 30-35min mark? We lose all momentum and defend like shit


State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010
Pretty much a nothing game, I suspect next week will be as well.

Bring on the last two home games already.


QCup Player
Mar 25, 2013
That was seriously the worst game I've watched in a long time. We were absolute crap tonight. There is no other way to put it...

Sam Thaiday: what the **** is the lazy **** doing. Sitting out on and edge hardly doing **** all and when he does run the ball he makes no meters and fakes injuries all the time. He needs to harden the **** up and run the ball more. Show some fucking leadership.

Our whole forward pack was disappointing tonight besides Gillet I thought. Our backs were shit besides Hoffman and possibly reed in defence.

Ive held back this year trying to be positive after games but I've had enough. We lack leadership, urgency and any spec of attacking ability. We won't beat the bulldogs or Newcastle and definitely won't make the 8 and even if we did we would be the laughing stock of the finals.

Dont know if you can tell but I'm seriously pissed off after that heartless gutless performance!!!!!


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Our whole forward pack was disappointing tonight besides Gillet I thought.

Can't really agree with that. I thought Parker, Hannant and McGuire all did well too. Thaiday, well I don't really rate him either. I feel like he plays like McGuire would out on the edge, only lazier.

The bench was definitely very disappointing, but it could be because Hook gave them about 5 minutes....combined. Can't wait for Glenn and Dodds to be back, maybe then we'll actually have better rotation.

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