Round 23 - Broncos vs. Eels - Post Match Discussion

Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
I think Donald is blowing off some steam...but from the wrong game.

A rant like that was deserving of 5-6 rounds ago.

Things weren't all THAT bad tonight ....


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
A win is a win.

Most players individually did ok. Some really well. Hoffman was a stand out. However, before I compare him to Barba, I'll wait and see how he goes against a top notch defence.

Hunt was MIA. I can't figure that out. But as a team. a cohesive attacking and defensive unit? Maybe for the 15 minutes it took to score 3 of our 4 tries. Some great football.

However, a 15 minute team effort is not going to get us very far. WTF was the game plan? Any of the top 4 teams would have destroyed us on that effort.

Maybe I need new glasses, but I wasn't sure who was playing what, where and how.

Hook needs to read the ACME Book of How to use the Bench. Appalling
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QCup Player
Mar 25, 2013
Can't really agree with that. I thought Parker, Hannant and McGuire all did well too. Thaiday, well I don't really rate him either. I feel like he plays like McGuire would out on the edge, only lazier.

The bench was definitely very disappointing, but it could be because Hook gave them about 5 minutes....combined. Can't wait for Glenn and Dodds to be back, maybe then we'll actually have better rotation.

Yeah sorry I forgot Parker as well but you just expect that from him. The rest I disagree with. Hannant had very little impact and compared to his usual standard I thought McGuire was disappointing too.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
How about Hoffman's game ...WOW !!

Almost could do no wrong. Knowing Barba is coming to take his spot has fired him up well. I have to say, he's surprised me. Good on him.

Interesting to see if Ben Hunt can recover next week. He was very ordinary tonight. I said it in another thread....consistency will be one of his greatest challenges. It all starts now.


QCup Player
Mar 25, 2013
A win is a win.

Most players individually did ok. Some really well. Hoffman was a stand out. Hunt was MIA. I can't figure that out. But as a team. a cohesive attacking and defensive unit? Maybe for the 15 minutes it took to score 3 of our 4 tries. Some great football.

However, a 15 minute team effort is not going to get us very far. WTF was the game plan? Any of the top 4 teams would have destroyed us on that effort.

Maybe I need new glasses, but I wasn't sure who was playing what, where and how.

Hook needs to read the ACME Book of How to use the Bench. Appalling

Thats exactly what I'm talking about. We get into the opponents 20m area and the only way we look like scoring is through an error made by the defensive team. We lacked any structure what so ever in attack. How many time did prince run the ball because the man beside him was just standing flat footed or had already over ran him.

I wouldn't be so angry if we showed even a glimpse of improvement in attack and our structure but we haven't. You'd think that not lossing a game in the past four weeks the team would have improved. It's the opposite. Our best game was against the cowboys and from then on its got worse and worse. Tonight was utter rubbish. I don't know how anybody else can't see that.

On tonight's performance any other team probably except for the tigers would have beaten us and the top 8 sides would have beaten us by 20+


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
The Eels are not a measure of that much. Their defence is like wet paper.

As for Hayne, he's the Inglis you have when you don't have Inglis. Hayne is class, but Inglis is just a cut above.


NRL Player
Feb 16, 2013
I know refs watch certain players more than others but when Lama Tasi came on tonight one of the refs said to all the others "no 16 is on for Broncos now so we are going to have to work much harder in the middle now"
Not sure why they would have him down for special attention


International Captain
May 27, 2013
How about Hoffman's game ...WOW !!

Almost could do no wrong. Knowing Barba is coming to take his spot has fired him up well. I have to say, he's surprised me. Good on him.

Interesting to see if Ben Hunt can recover next week. He was very ordinary tonight. I said it in another thread....consistency will be one of his greatest challenges. It all starts now.

This is why hunt should have been half back years ago with locky. He would be awesome by now.

Why do we continue with this dummy half rotation bs? Surely macca can handle 80 mins. He's been really dangerous the last few weeks only to be hooked. Wtf hook?


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
And I agree with Donald. The lack of structure, except for those 3 great tries was dreadful. The structure v Dragons was much better. We cannot afford to tread water, and good individual performances count for nothing against serious defence


NRL Player
Feb 16, 2013
This is why hunt should have been half back years ago with locky. He would be awesome by now.

Why do we continue with this dummy half rotation bs? Surely macca can handle 80 mins. He's been really dangerous the last few weeks only to be hooked. Wtf hook?
My seats at the game are about 5 metres from the Broncos dugout. Macca could barely walk and was gasping for air on the sideline when he came off. He was spent and needed the break


International Captain
May 27, 2013
My seats at the game are about 5 metres from the Broncos dugout. Macca could barely walk and was gasping for air on the sideline when he came off. He was spent and needed the break

That's a shame then. Need to condition him to be an 80 minute player in the off season. Every other team has an 80 min hooker. Waste of interchange


NYC Player
Apr 3, 2013
Hunt was taken off because of a bad cork on his hip, glad he wasn't hooked while healthy. He just had one of those games, was his first touch a knock-on and 1st kick out on the full? Could see his frustration throughout the game, but hopefully he learns and grows from it.


NRL Player
Feb 16, 2013
That's a shame then. Need to condition him to be an 80 minute player in the off season. Every other team has an 80 min hooker. Waste of interchange
I also thinks as he gets a little older he will learn to pace himself a little better


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Hook said McGuire just copped a hit to his knee and he should be right for next week. Very happy to hear it's not his calf.

A win is a win, bring on next week.


International Rep
Forum Staff
Sep 28, 2012
I watched that, Hook seems like a bit of a douche. I don't usually watch them though, so maybe that's how they are supposed to go?

I reckon Hook's very much like Wayne. Not a big media fan so he'll either just agree and leave it at a "yep" or give non-committal answers, just to annoy them. I think we can assume from what he said about Hoffy and the little smirk at the end when questioned about Barba that it's basically a sure thing and Hoffy will play either centre or wing next year

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