Round 23 - Broncos vs. Eels - Post Match Discussion



QCup Player
Aug 25, 2011
My seats at the game are about 5 metres from the Broncos dugout. Macca could barely walk and was gasping for air on the sideline when he came off. He was spent and needed the break

So are mine and you're right, every time he comes off he looks like he has done back to back marathons. His work rate up the middle is massive and tackles anything that moves. He strikes me as one of these guys who loves to tackle and thank god cause he does this extremely well and controls the middle of the field beautifully.

Macca's played fantastic the last couple of weeks but as people have stated, consistency is the key. Great game champ, keep it up and the 80 min will come in time.

Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
As much as it would be nice for Macca to play 80 minutes we just don't need him to if we have a decent hooker coming off the bench to replace him.
animal eater

animal eater

QCup Player
Jul 27, 2013
Key raps and slaps:

Raps: Hoffman- did everything well included threw a nice ball once of twice. Great in both directions.
Parker, Hennant, and Gillette were all strong and steady and surprisingly Stagg played a nice game out there and even had a few good runs in first half.
Mac had another really strong outing and is showing what he is capable of. Before Thaiday was named as Captain two years ago, I actually thought Andrew would of made a better choice with Glen being my second pick.
Prince also did his part last night.

Slaps- Thaiday was once again less than average. The combination of poor conditioning and poor discipline add up to a lot of penalties. He really needs to improve. I don't care if he represents QLD or wears a test jumper... he needs to improve at the club level NOW.
Hunt- We all want to see Ben thrive but we saw a bit of a chink in the armour yesterday. He got easily rattled by a few early mistakes and a champion can not let that happen. I liken his position to the pitcher in baseball. Yes you might give up a home run on the first pitch, the great ones shake it off and dominate from there on out.

Everyone not mentioned were average meaning not great, not bad. That said, if they don't pick up the level of play quickly, the season will soon be a memory and a bad one at that.


State of Origin Rep
Jul 27, 2013
Got injured in the last 5-10 mins of the game.......don't think it can be used as an excuse for his "no show" last night.

I thought he went into the game injured then aggravated it during the game?

If what you're saying is true, then he certainly had a frustrating night. From the moment he dropped that first pass that was thrown to him you could tell he was very frustrated with the game.

Hopefully he bounces back, because we need his vision.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
IMO, how Ben Hunt bounces back from a poor game, will show the character of the man and will be a determining factor to show us whether he has what it takes to be a long term half back for us.

he needs to shake off the Eels game on focus on next weeks game. our long term half back can not be a player that lets one bad performance string into two or three bad performances in a row.

no one expects him to play the perfect game of footy every single game of his career, but the measure of a great player can be determined by there ability to bounce back after a shocker


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Everyone's covered just about all of it except no one's mentioned how much trouble we're having getting field position in the second halves, specifically after the 50th minute or so. I can't put my finger on it, I've been blaming the refs with bad calls, nothing penalties etc, but 3 games in a row now means that it's the Broncos that have the issue. Maybe that's why they don't leave the bench players on for long. When they come on they seem to be really loose defensively and we're on the back foot. It's why Hunt seems to go missing - it's more that he had no room to do anything at all. Any thoughts?


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
I watched the game up until the last score by the Broncs and I cannot understand the criticism levelled at the team. Although not the greatest game I've seen far worse and it seems as though when we win , we haven't won well enough ! The criticism seems much the same as when we were losing. I'm pleased we are still in it and put the performance down to the poor standing of the opposition. Perhaps if we were playing Melbourne/ Manly ? Well done boys, happy with that and the weekend is brighter !


NRL Captain
Mar 31, 2008
i said last week that i was worried about the team burning out, with all the close, down to the wire games.

we needed a 'nothing' game like this where we took the foot off the pedal for basically the whole of the second half.

it wasnt the greatest performance but i dont think it was anywhere near as draining as the last few weeks have been on the team.

got the W. on to penriff. 3 to go fellas. i think we want to really hit form in the newcastle game.


QCup Player
Apr 14, 2013
Donald, you've lost the plot mate. McGuire and Hannant were phenomenal. Hannant is like an extra playmaker


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Mentioning Hayne & Inglis in the same sentence should be an automatic jail sentence.

I don't think I have seen Inglis blame a fellow team mate if he stuffs up. Hayne does it all the time. (his pass to the sideline was his fault, yet it seemed he was blaming his winger for not catching it)

He also gets 'injured' if his team is going to lose.

Even for a QLD centric board this post is obsurd.

Firstly, he blamed his winger for the 'bad' pass because had his winger actually positioned himself properly, instead of 10 metres too deep, the pass would've hit him in the chest and it would have been a certain try.

I won't even comment on the injury remark because its too stupid.

Hayne constantly knocks out league high stats whilst playing for the worst team of the last few decades. He has been one of the best origin players since his rep debut, while playing in one of the worst NSW teams of all time. Had he played his whole career at the Storm and QLD, I have no doubt he would be considered a better player than Slater. Infact these days, if I had to chose either Slater or Hayne to join the broncos, I'd pick Hayne without hesitation. Who knows what he could have achieved had he not been cursed with such dud supporting casts.

Moving on, average perfomance but I'm happy with the win. Hoffman was magic. Prince played better. Hunt stunk.


State of Origin Rep
Jul 27, 2013
Even for a QLD centric board this post is obsurd.

Firstly, he blamed his winger for the 'bad' pass because had his winger actually positioned himself properly, instead of 10 metres too deep, the pass would've hit him in the chest and it would have been a certain try.

I won't even comment on the injury remark because its too stupid.

Hayne constantly knocks out league high stats whilst playing for the worst team of the last few decades. He has been one of the best origin players since his rep debut, while playing in one of the worst NSW teams of all time. Had he played his whole career at the Storm and QLD, I have no doubt he would be considered a better player than Slater. Infact these days, if I had to chose either Slater or Hayne to join the broncos, I'd pick Hayne without hesitation. Who knows what he could have achieved had he not been cursed with such dud supporting casts.

Moving on, average perfomance but I'm happy with the win. Hoffman was magic. Prince played better. Hunt stunk.

Upon review, Hayne should have actually looked to see if his Winger was there before he threw the pass. Also, Kahu had his opposite marked easily, even if the Eels player had have caught the ball.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Upon review, Hayne should have actually looked to see if his Winger was there before he threw the pass. Also, Kahu had his opposite marked easily, even if the Eels player had have caught the ball.

I agree, he should have known better than to rely on his players to do their jobs. Luke Burt would've made that pass look sensational.


State of Origin Rep
Jul 27, 2013
I agree, he should have known better than to rely on his players to do their jobs. Luke Burt would've made that pass look sensational.

Don't really see what game you're trying to play.

Jarryd should have looked to see if his winger was there before he threw the pass.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Don't really see what game you're trying to play.

Jarryd should have looked to see if his winger was there before he threw the pass.

...and the winger should've been there. Its as much Jarryd's fault as anybodies but when he's the only person doing anything on his team for the last 2 years I think you can forgive a bit of a blow up at a player who shares some of the responsibility for an error.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
The commentators thought Hayne had thrown an ordinary pass and I tend to agree. Hayne is talented and few would deny it but in Queensland we like our talented players to be likeable as well and that is where Hayne loses us, we just don't find him particularly endearing. So, it's not really obsurd ,theshed !


NRL Captain
Mar 31, 2008
i dont understand why people htink the winger should of been there? did hayne call a play in which the outside backs knew a cutout ball was on? we dont know.. but he threw a 20m flat ball. so if the norm' had happened and the ball went through the hands, the winger would of been 5 metres in front of his centre.

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