This has seemingly the opposite effect on me than most.
Now more than ever do I want us to stick with Siebs and get through an off season with cohesion to show WB and us as fans that we have what it takes. I'm not saying it's what will happen for certain, but I think it's worth the shot, and the pay-off would be monumental.
It's easy as fans to get angry with lack of results and defensive/attacking structures and blame the coach, and yes it's warranted, but let's not act like we're the warriors here. We can rally around our coach for at least two seasons to start to judge where we are.
A team of 17 individuals playing under one coach for years will take more than 6 or 7 months to adhere to a completely different environment, especially with the average IQ of your regular NRL player. A coach can say the same things day in and day out, but it's down to the team to play for eachother and while I definitely don't agree with positions and certain players even in the 17, it is what it is.
I don't see many other coaches realistically making the changes we all want to happen with our halves and certain spots, at least for the last few rounds heading into the finals causing even more change.
So yes, while we can and I know I certainly will complain about our selections, efforts, team sheets and general all round attitude, let's do the hard part and have the belief that it can be turned around.
Rant over.