Round 23 Discussion

If Bellamy can get anything out of Kasiano he may just be the greatest coach of all time. That bloke is stealing a living
We're flying high while the Bulldogs are stinking it up like baby shit.

Gotta love it.
The Bulldogs fans seem to be genuine bogans but at least they care about their team and sometimes turn up to support them, unlike many other Sydney teams.
This is Des's team that he assembled. He is to blame. He should not have been given a new deal. I don't know what they were thinking.
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This is Des's team that he assembled. He is to blame. He should not have been given a new deal. I don't know what they were thinking.
They wanted Foran .... that's why the gave him a new deal
The Bulldogs fans seem to be genuine bogans but at least they care about their team and sometimes turn up to support them, unlike many other Sydney teams.

Massive attendance at that game, all 8,247 of them and I'm not convinced they were all Bulldogs fans either. Even the lowest crowd at home against the Titans for the Newcastle side that could only win one game last season managed more. Sorry hardly an impressive effort by Sydney fans in the least.
I think the dogs have been playing Desball for so long they've just hit the wall. Relying on the forwards to do so much has just left them with nothing in the tank.
The dogs are so bad right now I'm creating conspiracy theories to explain front runner is that Des is a double agent planted by the Sea Eagles to go undercover, make it look like he cares about the dogs by getting them to a Grand Final without winning it and then running their team into the ground in demoralising fashion. It's the only explanation.
The dogs are so bad right now I'm creating conspiracy theories to explain front runner is that Des is a double agent planted by the Sea Eagles to go undercover, make it look like he cares about the dogs by getting them to a Grand Final without winning it and then running their team into the ground in demoralising fashion. It's the only explanation.

And stealing all of their players, making them look like shit, which will allow Manly to buy them back at a discounted rate.

Look for 2019 signings of Tony Williams & Foran on minimum deals, and all of a sudden they come good.
Never trust a coach that sounds like he should be on a CPAP machine even when he is awake.
Never trust a coach that sounds like he should be on a CPAP machine even when he is awake.


It's not Des. It's an evil twin. Remember when "Des" shaved his head? That wasn't Des. That was Les, the evil twin, who shaved his hair off Gerard Baden-Clay style, except instead of growing a beard to hide the scratch marks, Les shaved his head to hide the fact that half his hair was torn out during the struggle with Des.

His difficulty breathing is just more evidence that he was wounded in that struggle, clearly taking an elbow to the throat.

Les' motive? Obviously to tarnish Des' name. After being locked away in a basement, Les is doing everything he can to ruin the reputations of his twin and his star players. Poor old Des is now in that basement, praying that Foran, Lyon, Watmough, Glenn & Brett Stewart, Matai, and good ol' Tony Williams are still just playing at the top of their game.
Now that you mention it Des always looked like a hobo with wild hair who never shaved when he coached Manly. When he got to the bulldogs he suddenly became well-groomed. Coincidence?