Turpin and Walters are both high effort players, but neither can sustain it for a full half, let alone 80 minutes. Turpin has apparently developed a competitive eater appetite for tackling, and that's what he prioritizes. Kevvie has been pushing defence all year. He's doing what Kevvie wants. You'd have to assume. But he's not wanted next season, so his selection is inexplicable.
Billy is somewhat better at shovelling the ball off the ground and getting it to the next player beside him. Jake tends to take a couple more steps to get the same thing done. Neither are much good at it but Billy is somewhat quicker, and occasionally, but only occasionally, draws a defender and opens a gap. Jake rarely does that anymore. In play, Billy is probably somewhat better at distributing the ball and has a step we rarely see. Billy fancies himself as a 5/8th more than hooker and poses himself in attack somewhat more like one. But in practice he doesn't command the field like one. He's very much the bloke brought up from the lower grades to cover an injury.
Neither Jake nor Billy are, or will ever be, genuine spine members, in the way the likes of Harry Grant are. They're budget fill-ins, who give 100% but it's never going to be enough.
We've seen so little of Paix, and what we've seen hasn't been much different from what I described above. In the little we've seen there have been glimpses of him taking on the line himself and scoring and some half play that suggests he has more attacking upside than Jake and Billy. But he's never set the game on fire. He's been an incremental upgrade, at best. But maybe with some upside. We're hoping.
It's fashionable to bash Jake now. I see it everywhere. He's a free hit. Everyone is sure there's a solution there in the QLD Cup in the form of Cory Paix. All Kevvie has to do is sack Jake. While this escape exists, the focus will always be on Jake, and not Billy. But once Jake goes, who will we blame?