[Round 4, 2022] Warriors vs Broncos

The Roosters and Panthers will put 100 on us if they think the reffing against the Warriors is bad and we don't want to show some resilience on the back of it. Wait til we play those 2.
The lone positive to take from that half is a flukey effort from Reynolds. JFC what can you even do as a supporter at this point.
Our service from dummy half is sooooo slow. Makes it too easy to read those sweeping players out to the wings.

Our poor attack and errors in general has put far too much pressure on our defense in the past 3 weeks.
If we don't play completely different i see a huge score against us here.
that's honestly not true. its not a premiership side or top 4 side by all means but its easily a top 8 side.
hate to say it but i think just about any other coach in the comp atm could probably have them looking more cohesive then we do. like some one said earlier its honestly like no one in the team has ever played together.

wtf did they do all off season. even the dogs the last few years had more structure in there attack and defense they just lacked the quality to put on the finishing touch.

What's our excuse we literally look lost. you cannot tell me its not a coaching issue.
The spine is garbage bar Reynolds... you cannot expect them to be a top 8 team with a bottom 4 spine
It's a coaching issue in that the coach is the one continuing to pick Turpin, Niu etc.
Ref us heavy on the whistle, but we have only ourselves to blame for that half. Horrible is attack and defence. The Warriors aren't playing great, we are just playing bad.