Round 4 - Broncos vs Raiders

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How was Klein able to reverse the goal line drop-out to a 20m restart in the first half?

Does the bunker's jurisdiction extend to all in-goal plays?

i agree i was under impression that in new rules bunker can only ever overrule if there was deemed foul play involved
Anyone else just not enjoying our games this season? Partially because we have no attack, but primarily because of how corrupt the refereeing is.. like is this a fucking joke or what? I've seen AT LEAST 6 incorrect calls this half, and they weren't 50/50 calls, they were just blatantly incorrect for the sake of evening up the game.. Are the NRL doing it for the ratings? They try and make every game we play in a golden point game to increase ratings, it's absurd, even if we DO get some momentum going for us the other team just gets some ridiculous square up penalty to get them out of trouble..

So over this shit

I hear you. What makes it worse is our team continually shooting itself in the foot. When we actually do get a repeat set we cough it up on the first tackle.
dont think it would matter tbh. bunker cant overrule a call unless there was foul play involved

No, but square ups are a thing, despite denials. Have you ever seen a team called up for as many forward passes as us since Roberts' one was let go? Even in the next game they sweated on anything bearing flat. If they show close-ups of the Raiders losing it trying to offload, they won't get a strip penalty for a fortnight and for the rest of this game it'll get called a knock on every time it pops out of their hands.
i agree i was under impression that in new rules bunker can only ever overrule if there was deemed foul play involved

Maybe they ruled that the Canberra player hit Oates in the air? Not sure.
Surprised the refs didn't give a penalty for that drop then.
i thought that to but i dont think we got a penalty out of it did we? was a 20m tap?

Channel 9 said the video ref can come in to play on anything in the in-goal. Good rule IMO.
That's going to push him to dummy for another 8 years.
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