PRE-GAME Round 6 - Warriors vs Broncos


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State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Does Niko play on the Tohu, SJ, Hiku side of the field? If so, uh oh.

If Niko plays on either side of the filed it's uh oh.

I honestly expected more from him by now. For mine, he just hasn't got what it takes to be not just a qulaity half back, but the kind of half back Milford needs along side of him.

I am also disappointed that the coaching of this side has our halves playing too much on opposite sides of the ruck. One of the reasons Hunt is playing so well is that his coach has him playing much more than less along side his 5/8.


State of Origin Captain
May 5, 2016
If Niko plays on either side of the filed it's uh oh.

I honestly expected more from him by now. For mine, he just hasn't got what it takes to be not just a qulaity half back, but the kind of half back Milford needs along side of him.

I am also disappointed that the coaching of this side has our halves playing too much on opposite sides of the ruck. One of the reasons Hunt is playing so well is that his coach has him playing much more than less along side his 5/8.

Why the shit aren't they combining? That is the most worrying thing for me.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Why the shit aren't they combining? That is the most worrying thing for me.

They seem to be coached to play split halves, but everything looks so premeditated that in doesn't seem to make a difference - it's easy to see which way McCullough is going to go before he even gets to the play the ball sometimes. And then you also need a fast ball playing fullback who can go from left to right edge easily and throw finishing passes, while Boyd seems to struggle getting there.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
I just had 130 on the Warriors, easy money. We cannot beat them next week. They are huge, mobile, determined and with a winning headspace. I don't see us winning with 12 points headstart. I'm beginning to think the calls for another big body , Haas might not be such a bad idea. A cameo for 20 mins, all forwards on the bench, Tagatese included.

This is a different Warriors, no more fucking around, play for 80 style. If we did fluke a win, Melbourne would be a walk in the park.


NRL Player
Feb 28, 2015
We're fucked.

IMG 0947


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
They seem to be coached to play split halves, but everything looks so premeditated that in doesn't seem to make a difference - it's easy to see which way McCullough is going to go before he even gets to the play the ball sometimes. And then you also need a fast ball playing fullback who can go from left to right edge easily and throw finishing passes, while Boyd seems to struggle getting there.

Interesting that the Roosters and Dragons move the ball so quickly and effectively to exploit and create gaps with both their halves playing a lot together on the same side.

Cronulla's usually solid structures were badly exposed the other night by the Roosters with their super quick ball movement.

Even though it hurts to say it, I am enjoying watching their brand of football. Pity our style of play is so dated predictable and sloooow
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Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
The trick to beating the Warriors is to not let them play the football they want to play.

Get them into a grind. They don't like that and will make mistakes.

Our main focus should be defence.

One thing I noticed in the Raiders vs Warriors game is the Raiders defence at first was strong, they were committed. It was frustrating the Warriors, they were going back to their usual ways of forcing passes and making mistakes.

If we can defend strongly, wrap up the ball and grind them down. We'll force the Warriors out of the game.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
We haven't really been a grinding side since the Lockyer days either. And even less so after the Wallace days.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
We haven't really been a grinding side since the Lockyer days either. And even less so after the Wallace days.

We have it in us. We showed that in 2015 and a chunk of 2016 and even times in 2017.

Just need to find that attitude again.


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2008
If they can pull this off given we always lose to the Warriors in Auckland, then maybe the season will begin...:|


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
We will win this. It will be a poor game and we’ll wing by > 6.

It will do just enough for the decision makers to justify not making any changes.

I think a big flogging is what we need to start making the big calls that need to happen. I’d be happy with a win though.
Jason Simmons

Jason Simmons

NRL Captain
Apr 18, 2013
I’m going to tip the Warriors.

Broncos by 12+ in a canter...


NRL Player
Oct 4, 2016
I really think they need to consider moving Roberts to the right side now. Roberts speed would help when Milford made a break and Bird has been great in defence so he can support Niko.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
I really think they need to consider moving Roberts to the right side now. Roberts speed would help when Milford made a break and Bird has been great in defence so he can support Niko.

Roberts is already on the right side, I assume you meant left.

What we really need to consider is Roberts at Fullback. Take away any issues he may have under the high ball and with his defensive positioning and you've got one of the best running Fullbacks in the game, his passing game certainly isn't great, but at least he's willing to pass, unlike some Fullbacks in the past (Hoggman..)

I think it could be the X-Factor we're looking for. It's time to stop picking our team based on worst case scenarios and defensive schemes and just pick a team designed to score a **** load of points, I reckon this squad could put up some numbers, and I actually don't think it'd be too bad defensively, have Darius control the left hand side defensively in combination with Glenn, and then you've got good defenders on the right in Opacic & Gillett. The only real question mark will be the Halfback position, but I think it's time to make the call and throw whoever is performing the best in the ISC out of our depth guys, Nikorima is playing scared, we can't keep carrying him as a starting Halfback. I also prefer TPJ coming off the bench for the time being, we get absolutely raped when him & Lodge go off at the moment, we need to stagger them so that one of them is on the field at all times.

1. Roberts
2. Oates
3. Boyd
4. Opacic
5. Isaako
6. Milford
7. Dargan (?)
8. Lodge
9. McCullough
10. McGuire
11. Glenn
12. Gillett
13. Bird

14. Nikorima
15. Pangai Jr
16. Ofahengaue
17. Tagatese / Fai / Haas


International Captain
May 27, 2013
Roberts is already on the right side, I assume you meant left.

What we really need to consider is Roberts at Fullback. Take away any issues he may have under the high ball and with his defensive positioning and you've got one of the best running Fullbacks in the game, his passing game certainly isn't great, but at least he's willing to pass, unlike some Fullbacks in the past (Hoggman..)

I think it could be the X-Factor we're looking for. It's time to stop picking our team based on worst case scenarios and defensive schemes and just pick a team designed to score a **** load of points, I reckon this squad could put up some numbers, and I actually don't think it'd be too bad defensively, have Darius control the left hand side defensively in combination with Glenn, and then you've got good defenders on the right in Opacic & Gillett. The only real question mark will be the Halfback position, but I think it's time to make the call and throw whoever is performing the best in the ISC out of our depth guys, Nikorima is playing scared, we can't keep carrying him as a starting Halfback. I also prefer TPJ coming off the bench for the time being, we get absolutely raped when him & Lodge go off at the moment, we need to stagger them so that one of them is on the field at all times.

1. Roberts
2. Oates
3. Boyd
4. Opacic
5. Isaako
6. Milford
7. Dargan (?)
8. Lodge
9. McCullough
10. McGuire
11. Glenn
12. Gillett
13. Bird

14. Nikorima
15. Pangai Jr
16. Ofahengaue
17. Tagatese / Fai / Haas

I'd keep bird in the centres but we all know Boyd won't be getting dropped. Would love to see Roberts playing a traditional fullbacks role that is following the forwards looking for offloads
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